Page 11 - The Future of Aerospace is X - X-Planes 2021
P. 11

X-5 Research Aircraft

            The Bell X-5 was built to test the feasibil-  proved the project on February 4, 1949.                                               A composite
          ity of changing the sweep angle of an aircraft’s   A pair of X-5s were built, serial numbers 50-                                      photograph
          wings in flight. This had advantages from both   1838 and 50-1839. They were similar in shape to                                      showing the Bell
          an operational and research point of view.  the P.1101 design, with a nose-mounted intake,                                            X-5’s variable-
            An operational aircraft could take off with   a bubble canopy, an underslung engine, and a                                          sweep wing.
          its wings fully extended, reducing both its take   boom-mounted tail. The wings pivoted from a
          off speed and the length of the runway needed.  20 to 60 degree angle in flight. The mechanism
            Once in the air, the wings could be swept   used to swivel the wings was very complex. As
          back, reducing drag and increasing the air-  the X-5’s wings were swept back, its center of
          craft’s speed. For an experimental aircraft, the   gravity and center of pressure changed. To com-
          ability to vary the wing’s sweep angle would   pensate, the entire wing assembly simultaneous-
          greatly expand the research possibilities. Exist-  ly moved forward on rails inside the fuselage.
          ing swept wing experimental aircraft, such as   Sweeping the wings from a 20 degree angle to
          the D-558-II, XF-92A, X-2 and X-4, could each   the full 60 degree angle required that they also
          provide aeronautical data at only a single wing   be moved about 27 inches forward from their
          angle. A variable swept wing aircraft would be   starting position. The change from 20 to 60 de-
          equivalent to a series of such experimental air-  grees required about 20 seconds. In the event of
          craft, as it could change the wing angle to the   an electrical failure, the pilot could hand crank
          desired research objectives.         the wings back into landing position. (The X-5
            Although NACA conducted independent   could not safely land with a sweep angle greater
          wind tunnel research on variable sweep wings   than 40 degrees.)
          in 1945, the X-5 originated with the Messer-  The first X-5 (50-1838) was delivered to Ed-                               Courtesy photograph
          schmitt P.1101 experimental aircraft. This was   wards Air Force Base, Calif., on June 9, 1951.
          a small jet with wings that could be adjusted on   It made its first flight 11 days later, on June 20.   NACA research pilot Joe Walker was assigned   pilot through mid-1954.
          the ground to three fixed angles between 35 and   Bell company test pilot Jean “Skip” Ziegler   to the X-5 program. He made a pilot checkout   The X-5 research program, in contrast to that
          45 degrees. The P.1101 had not flown before it   made the initial Phase I flights, to prove the air-  flight on Jan. 9, 1952, the day after the first X-5   of the X-3 and XF-92A, was quite extensive. Al-
          was captured by U.S. troops in April 1945. The   plane’s airworthiness. On the X-5’s ninth flight,   was transferred to NACA. The initial research   though the focus remained on stability and con-
          aircraft was examined by Bell Aircraft engineers   made on July 27, Ziegler tested the wing sweep   flights involved static and dynamic longitudi-  trol, other areas of research included vertical tail
          following its arrival in the United States. Robert   mechanism for the first time. The Phase I flight   nal and lateral stability and control. Walker also   loads in maneuvers, gust loads at various sweep
          Wood, head of Bell’s design team, proposed in   continued through July and August 1951, with   tested the X-5’s stability and control with the   angles, wing twisting and bending tail loads, the
          July 1948 that a modified and enlarged version   the 20th and final Phase I flight made on Oct.   wings swept back 45 and 60 degrees, as well   effects on trim from shifting the wings, the re-
          of the P.1101 be built. Unlike the original air-  8, 1951. Maj. Frank Everest made six Air Force   as its response to gusts with the wings in the 20   sponse of strain gages to temperature, and the
          craft, the proposed Bell aircraft could change its   flights in the aircraft during December 1951 and   and 60 degree position. In April 1952, two more   effects of dynamic pressure on buffeting. The
          sweep angle in flight, rather than being set on   January 1952. After a final flight by Everest on   NACA pilots joined the X-5 program, A. Scott   ability to set the desired sweep angle was also
          the ground before takeoff. NACA, which had   Jan. 8, 1952, the first X-5 was turned over to   Crossfield and Walter P. Jones. Jones made eight   used. A flight by Walker on February 10, 1954,
          continued to make studies of variable sweep   NACA. The second X-5 (50-1839) had, by this   flights in the X-5 before leaving NACA, while   for instance, collected lateral and longitudinal
          aircraft, supported Bell’s proposal. This was a   time, also been delivered and was flown by the   Crossfield flew a total of 10 missions from 1952
          major reason why Air Force Headquarters ap-  Air Force.                    through 1954. Walker remained the primary X-5             See X-5, Page 12

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