Page 12 - The Future of Aerospace is X - X-Planes 2021
P. 12

Ryan X-13 Vertijet

     The Ryan X-13 Vertijet (company   10,000-pound-force thrust  Rolls-  trailer and landed by hooking the land-
   designation Model 69) was an ex-  Royce Avon  turbojet.  The  high-  ing wire. Flight tests were performed
   perimental vertical take-off and land-  mounted delta wing of the aircraft   by two test pilots: Ryan’s Chief Test
   ing jet aircraft built by Ryan Aeronau-  had a wingspan of only 21 feet and   Pilot Peter F. “Pete” Girard, and Ryan
   tical and flown in the United States in   was capped with flat endplates. The   Test Pilot W. L. “Lou” Everett.
   the 1950s.                    nose of the aircraft had a hook on the   July 28-29, 1957, the X-13 was
     The main objective of the project   underside and a short pole for gaug-  demonstrated in Washington, D.C. It
   was to demonstrate the ability of a   ing distance from the trailer. The hook   crossed the Potomac River and landed
   pure jet to vertically takeoff, hover,   was used to hang the Vertijet from   at the Pentagon.
   transition to horizontal forward flight,   the vertical trailer bed landing plat-  The Air Force chose not to continue
   and vertically land.          form. After the aircraft was secured   development of the Ryan X-13 Vertijet
     Just after World War II, Ryan en-  vertically, the trailer was lowered to   because of the lack of an operational
   gineers wondered whether the Ryan/  horizontal and then used to transport   requirement.
   U.S. Navy FR-1 Fireball, which had   the aircraft on the ground. Pitch and   The X-13 was designed to investi-
   a thrust-to-weight ratio of 1 at low   yaw control in hover were provided   gate vertical takeoff, horizontal flight
   fuel quantities, would take off verti-  by vectored engine thrust. Roll con-  transition, and return to vertical flight
   cally. The United States Navy’s Bu-  trol was provided by “puffer” jets   for landing. The first prototype of the
   reau of Aeronautics in 1947 awarded   (also known as “jet reaction control”)   X-13 was equipped with temporary
   Ryan a contract, originally under the   mounted  outboard of the  wingtip
   designation F3R, to investigate the   endplates. The first prototype was fit-  tricycle landing gear. The X-13 was
   development of a vertically launched   ted with temporary landing gear and   flown conventionally on Dec.10, 1955
   jet fighter. This was part of a program   made its first horizontal flight on Dec.   to test its aerodynamic characteristics.
   to evaluate the feasibility of subma-  10, 1955. Later, it made full horizon-  The Vertijet was then fitted with a tem-
   rine-based aircraft. Ryan conducted   tal to vertical attitude conversions   porary “tail sitting” rig. On May 28,
   remote controlled VTOL tethered rig   and back again at altitude. The first   1956, it was flown from the ground in
   tests from 1947 to 1950 and a flying   prototype then had the landing gear   a vertical position to test its hovering
   rig in 1951. Ryan was awarded an Air   replaced with a tail-mounted frame-  qualities. The X-13 VertiJet completed
   Force contract in 1953 to develop an   work that held it in a vertical attitude   its first full-cycle flight at Edwards Air
   actual flying jet-powered VTOL air-  on the ground. Using this rig, hooking   Force Base, Calif., on April 11, 1957,
   craft, which was given the designation   practice was conducted. The second   when it took off vertically from its
   X-13. Two prototypes were built.  prototype (#54-1620), on April 11,   mobile trailer, angled over into a hori-
     The Ryan X-13 Vertijet was 23 feet,   1957, made a vertical take-off from   zontal attitude, and flew for several                    Air Force photograeph
   5 inches long. It was just large enough   the vertically raised trailer, transi-  minutes. The X-13 then transitioned   Ryan X-13 Vertijet second prototype (#54-1620) about to moor itself to a dual-
   to accommodate the single-place   tioned to horizontal flight and back   to vertical flight and slowly descended   role flatbed transport/launch trailer.
   cockpit with a tilting seat and the   again. It then returned to the vertical   back onto its trailer and landed.
   Hiller X-18

     The Hiller X-18 was an experimental cargo transport aircraft   of one engine meant the airplane would crash. Thrust control was
   designed to be the first testbed for tiltwing and V/STOL (vertical/  through throttle changes, which were too slow for acceptable height
   short takeoff and landing) technology.            and roll control.
     Design work started in 1955 by Stanley Hiller Jr., and Hiller   On the 20th and final flight in July 1961, the X-18 had a propel-
   Aircraft Corporation received a manufacturing contract and fund-  ler pitch control problem when attempting to convert to a hover at
   ing from the U.S. Air Force to build the only X-18 ever produced.  10,000 feet and went into a spin. The crew regained control and
     To speed up construction and conserve money, the plane was   landed, but the X-18 never flew again. However, ground testing
   constructed from scavenged parts including a Chase YC-122C   of the tiltwing concepts continued. Eventually a VTOL Test Stand
   Avitruc fuselage, and turboprops from the Lockheed XFV-  was built on which the X-18’s vertical takeoff and landing and
   1 and Convair XFY-1 Pogo experimental fighter programs. The   hover control was to be tested. One engine run was successfully
   tri-bladed contra-rotating propellers were a giant 16 feet across.   conducted to the full 15-foot wheel height on the VTOL Test Stand.
   The Westinghouse turbojet engine had its exhaust diverted upwards   The program was cancelled on Jan. 18, 1964 before further VTOL
   and downwards at the tail to give the plane pitch control at low   Test Stand testing could be conducted, and the X-18 was cut up
   speeds. Hiller nicknamed their X-18 the Propelloplane for public   for scrap.
   relations purposes.                                 The program proved several things that contributed to further
     Preliminary testing occurred at Moffett Field Naval Air Station,   tilt-wing VSTOL technology programs:
   Calif. The first flight (hop) was on Nov. 11, 1959, followed by the   1.  Cross-shafting between the engines was necessary in order
   first real flight on Nov. 24, 1959, with Hiller test pilots George   to avoid loss of control in the event of an engine failure.
   Bright and Bruce Jones. Further test flights were held at Edwards   2.  Direct propeller pitch control was necessary for precise
   Air Force Base, Calif., ultimately recording 20 flights.   height and lateral control during VTOL and hover.
     A number of problems plagued the X-18 including being sus-  This knowledge was employed in the successful development                 Air Force photograph
   ceptible to wind gusts when the wing rotated, acting like a sail. In   and flight tests of the Tri-Service XC-142A, tilt-wing VSTOL   Hiller X-18 on testing platform with fully rotated wings.
   addition, the turboprop engines were not cross-linked, so the failure   transport.

   X-5, from 11
   stability and control data with the wings at a 59   got into a spin during an X-5 flight, but recov-  brakes, you got quite a nose down pitch. Well,   istics were due to the aircraft’s design, rather
   degree sweep angle. Other tests with the X-5   ered safely. Tragically, Maj. Raymond Popson   now it would be very unacceptable. But in a   than the variable wing sweep. But while the
   included drag studies behind an F-80 and B-29,   was lost in a spin accident with the Air Force’s   research airplane you put up with it because   concept of changing the wings’ sweep angle
   and acting as a chase plane for a B-47 flight.  X-5 (50-1839) on Oct. 13, 1953. The wings   it’s all you’ve got.” The final NACA X-5 flight   was shown to have promise, the mechanism
     The NACA flights in the X-5 also showed   were in the 60 degree position, and, unlike the   was made on Oct. 25, 1955, by a new High-  itself, which required the wings move back and
   the design’s shortcomings. Crossfield noted   others, Popson could not recover in time.  Speed Flight Station pilot, Neil A. Armstrong.   forth as their angle changed, was not practical.
   later, “The X-5 was not a comfortable airplane   On April 23, 1954, Walker made his last X-5   During the pilot checkout flight, a landing gear   The solution to this, developed by NACA engi-
   to fly. It had a low-slung engine. So there was   flight, and two new pilots were assigned to the   door separated. The aircraft was subsequently   neers at Langley, was to move the pivot points
   a misalignment of the drag axis, and the prin-  program. They were Stanley P. Butchart and   grounded. In all, the first X-5 had made 122   of the wings outside the fuselage.
   cipal axis, and the thrust axis, and all of that.   John B. “Jack” McKay. They continued mak-  NACA flights.      Variable sweep wings became a design
   So it could get into some interesting maneuvers   ing stability and control research flights from   The results of the X-5 were mixed. It pro-  feature in aircraft beginning in the 1960s and
   and motions, and that sort of thing.” Its big-  June 1954 into October 1955. Butchart later   vided verification of wind tunnel predictions   continuing into the 1980s. These included the
   gest problem, he added was that “ was a   said about the X-5’s poor spin characteristics,   about drag reductions and performance im-  F-111, the F-14 and B-1 in the U.S., the Su-22
   terrible airplane in a spin. It took a long time   “You just had to know that and stay away from   provements from variable sweep wings. The   and Su-24 attack aircraft and the Tu-22M and
   to get that airplane out of a spin.” On Oct. 21,   it.” He also noted a special characteristic of the   X-5 pilots also found that the variable sweep   Tu-160 strategic bombers built in the (then)
   1952, Walker entered a spin at 36,000 feet, and   aircraft: “The speed brakes on the X-5 were up   wings gave a tactical advantage over conven-  Soviet Union, and the European Tornado strike
   required 18,000 feet to recover. Crossfield also   front [on the nose]. When you opened the speed   tional aircraft. The poor stall/spin character-  aircraft and interceptor.
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