Page 16 - The Future of Aerospace is X - X-Planes 2021
P. 16

X-29 Advanced Technology Demonstrator Aircraft

     The Grumman X-29 was an Ameri-  airfoil; strake flaps; close-coupled ca-                                              Research Projects Agency and the
   can experimental aircraft that tested   nards; and a computerized fly-by-wire                                           U.S. Air Force issued proposals for a
   a forward-swept wing, canard control   flight control system to maintain con-                                           research aircraft designed to explore
   surfaces, and other novel aircraft tech-  trol of the otherwise unstable aircraft.                                      the forward-swept wing concept. The
   nologies. The X-29 was developed   Research results showed that the                                                     aircraft was also intended to validate
   by Grumman, and the two built were   configuration of forward-swept wings,                                              studies that predicted better control and
   flown by NASA and the U.S. Air Force.  coupled with movable canards, gave                                               lift qualities in extreme maneuvers and
     The  aerodynamic  instability of   pilots excellent control response at up                                            possibly reduce aerodynamic drag, as
   the X-29s airframe required the use   to 45 degrees angle of attack, higher                                             well as fly more efficiently at cruise
   of computerized  fly-by-wire  con-  than comparable fighter aircraft. Dur-                                              speeds.
   trol. Composite materials were used to   ing its flight history, X-29s were flown                                         Grumman was chosen in December
   control the aeroelastic divergent twist-  on 422 research missions. Aircraft No.                                        1981 to receive an $87 million contract
   ing experienced by forward-swept   1 flew 242 in the Phase 1 portion of                                                 to build two X-29 aircraft. They were to
   wings, and to reduce weight. The air-  the program; 120 flights were flown by                                           become the first new X-series aircraft
   craft first flew in 1984, and two X-29s   aircraft No. 2 in Phase 2; and 60 flights                                     in more than a decade. First flight of the
   were flight tested through 1991.  were completed in a follow-on “vortex                                                 No. 1 X-29 was Dec. 14, 1984, while
     The aircraft’s forward-swept wings   control” phase.                                                                  the No. 2 aircraft first flew on May 23,
   were mounted well back on the fuse-                                                                                     1989.
   lage, while its canards (horizontal sta-  Before World War II, some gliders
   bilizers to control pitch) were in front   with forward-swept wings existed, and                                        Flight control system
   of the wings instead of on the tail. The   the the National Advisory Commit-                                              The flight control surfaces on the
   complex geometries of the wings and   tee for Aeronautics (NACA) Langley                                    NASA photograph  X-29 were the forward-mounted ca-
   canards combined to provide excep-  Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory in                                                 nards, which shared the lifting load
   tional maneuverability, supersonic   Virginia, performed wind-tunnel stud-  This photo shows the X-29 during a 1991 research flight. Smoke generators   with the wings and provided primary
                                                               in the nose of the aircraft were used to help researchers see the behavior of
   performance and a light structure. Air   ies on the concept in 1931.  the air flowing over the aircraft. The smoke here is demonstrating forebody   pitch control. The wing flaperons (com-
   moving over the forward-swept wings   Germany developed a jet-powered   vortex flow. This mission was flown Sept. 10, 1991, by NASA research pilot   bination flaps and ailerons) were used
   tended to flow inward toward the root   aircraft with forward-swept wings, the   Rogers Smith.                          to change wing camber and function
   of the wing instead of outward toward   Junkers Ju-287, during the war. The                                             as ailerons for roll control when used
   the wing tip as occurs on an aft-swept   concept, however, was not successful                                           asymmetrically. In addition, the strake
   wing. This reverse airflow kept the   because the technology and materials   ness jet to use a forward-swept-wing.  The X-29’s thin supercritical wing   flaps on each side of the rudder aug-
   wing tips and their ailerons from stall-  did not exist to construct the wing rigid   The introduction of composite ma-  was of composite construction. State-  mented the canards with pitch control.
   ing at high angles of attack (direction   enough to overcome bending and twist-  terials in the 1970s opened a new field   of-the-art composites permit aeroelastic   The control surfaces were linked elec-
   of the fuselage relative to the air flow).  ing forces without making the aircraft   of aircraft construction, making it pos-  tailoring, which allows the wing some   tronically to a triple-redundant digital
     The fighter-size X-29 also explored   too heavy. Hamburger Flugzuebau de-  sible to design rugged airframes and   bending but limits twisting and elimi-  fly-by-wire flight control system that
   the use of advanced composites in   signed and built the Hansa Jet HFB-320   structures stronger than those made of   nates structural divergence within the   provided an artificial stability.
   aircraft construction; variable camber   in the early 1960s; the aircraft first flew   conventional materials, yet lightweight   flight envelope (deformation of the   The particular forward-swept wing,
   wing surfaces; the unique forward-  in 1964. The company built 45 HFB-  and able to withstand tremendous aero-  wing or breaking off in flight).
   swept wing and its thin supercritical   320s, the only certified civilian busi-  dynamic forces.  In 1977, the Defense Advanced     See X-29, Page 19
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