Page 6 - The Future of Aerospace is X - X-Planes 2021
P. 6

X-1, from 4
   and all data as Top Secret two hours                                                        After Yeager’s Mach 1 flight, the   picked up the Air Force’s canceled
   later.                                                                                    X-1-1 had been used by the Air Force   X-1-3.
     However, the story of Yeager’s                                                          to acquire data on stability and con-  The X-1-3 was delivered to Ed-
   Oct. 14 flight was leaked to a report-                                                    trol, wing and tail loading, high-alti-  wards in April 1951. Bell test pilot
   er from the magazine Aviation Week,                                                       tude flight, and pilot familiarization.   Joseph Cannon successfully made
   and the Los Angeles Times featured                                                        After a final flight by Yeager on May   a glide flight in the aircraft on July
   the story as headline news in their                                                       12, 1950, the X-1-1 was retired and   20. On Nov. 9, 1951, a captive flight
   Dec. 22 issue. The magazine story                                                         given to the Smithsonian Institution.   was made by the X-1-3 aboard the
   was released on Dec. 20. The Air                                                          The X-1-2 continued flying, but tech-  B-50 launch aircraft. This was to
   Force threatened legal action against                                                     nical problems brought its work to a   be a rehearsal for the first powered
   the journalists who revealed the sto-                                                     close. The X-1-1 and X-1-2 both used   flight, as well as a test of the jetti-
   ry, but none ever occurred. The news                                                      a fuel system pressurized with nitro-  soning system. Engineers canceled
   of a straight-wing supersonic aircraft                                                    gen. The X-1-2s nitrogen tanks were   the jettisoning tests, however, when
   surprised many American experts                                                           nearing the end of their fatigue life,   nitrogen pressure fell. The B-50, with
   who, like their German counterparts                                                       risking a possible explosion. Conse-  the fully fueled X-1-3 still attached,
   during World War II, believed that                                                        quently, NACA officials grounded   landed back at Edwards safely, and
   a swept-wing design was necessary                                                         the X-1-2, which later returned in a   preparations began to jettison the
   to break the sound barrier. On June                                                       much-modified state as the X-1E.  LOX. As Cannon pressurized the
   10, 1948, Air Force Secretary Stuart                                                        The X-1-3 (serial number 46-064)   LOX tank, however, a dull thud was
   Symington announced that the sound                                                        represented the final example of first   heard, followed by a hiss. A small
   barrier had been repeatedly broken                                                        generation X-1 series. The X-1-3 was   cloud of white vapor escaped from
   by two experimental airplanes.                                                NASA photograph  externally identical to the other two   the X-1-3’s center section. Then,
     NACA now began flying the X-1-2   Bell X-1-3, aircraft #46-064, being mated to the B-50 mothership for a captive   aircraft. The fuel system in the X-1-  a violent explosion occurred, with
   on research missions.         flight test on Nov. 9, 1951. While being de-fueled after this flight, it exploded,   3 did not rely on nitrogen pressure,   yellow flames and black smoke en-
     On Oct. 21, 1947, NACA pilot   destroying itself and the B-50, and seriously burning Bell test pilot Joe Cannon.   however, but rather on a turbopump.   gulfing both the X-1-3 and the B-50.
                                 X-1-3 had completed only a single glide-flight on July 20.
   Herbert  H.  Hoover  made  a  glide                                                       This eliminated the need for the   Cannon escaped from the X-1-3, but
   flight. Hoover followed this mission                                                      heavy nitrogen tanks, and resulted   spent nearly a year in the hospital
   on Dec. 16 with a powered flight to   personic flight. Lilly flew at Mach 1.1   October 1950, when he left NACA   in a calculated maximum speed of   recovering from severe burns on his
   Mach 0.84. In January 1948, a sec-  on March 31.            for a job as a company test pilot.   Mach 2.4, a full Mach number higher   legs, arms, and body. The fire and
   ond NACA research pilot, Howard                             A. Scott Crossfield joined the re-  than the X-1-1 or X-1-2 could reach.   subsequent explosions destroyed
   C. Lilly, joined the program. The   Robert  A.  Champine  replaced   search efforts in April 1951, followed   Funding cuts and turbopump devel-  both the X-1-3 and B-50.
   initial NACA flights in the aircraft   Hoover and Lilly on the X-1 pro-  by Joe Walker in August.  opment problems, however, delayed
   sought data on turns and pull ups,   gram in November 1948, undertaking   The research usefulness of the first   the aircraft a full three years. The Air   Variants
   side slips, and elevator effectiveness   studies of wing pressure distribution,   generation X-1 aircraft was nearing   Force had also contracted with Bell   Later variants of the X-1 were built
   at subsonic speeds. It was not until   stability and control, and stabilizer   an end.    Aircraft to develop the second gener-  to test different aspects of supersonic
   March 4, 1948, that Hoover reached   effectiveness. John H. Griffith con-  The second generation X-1 air-  ation X-1A, X-1B and X-1D. Interest   flight. One of these, the X-1A, with
   Mach  1.029.  Hoover  became  the   tinued these research efforts when he   craft, then under development, would   in the X-1-3 faded, and the Air Force   Yeager at the controls, inadvertently
   second man to reach Mach 1, on the   replaced Champine on the X-1 pro-  be able to reach twice the speed of   canceled it. NACA, wanting its own   demonstrated a very dangerous char-
   first NACA and the first civilian su-  gram. Griffith flew the X-1-2 through   sound.     Mach 2 aircraft to experiment with,         See X-1, Page 7

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