Page 17 - Nellis AFB Bullseye 8-7-15
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BULLSEYE                                      Nellis Living                                                                                      17August 7, 2015                                                                                                       


 NELLIS AFB COMMISSARY CLOSURE:               The NWS depends greatly on this program          unteer and leadership opportunities are         t,FZ4QPVTF*OJUJBM5SBJOJOH‰"VH

                                              to get these warnings issued. This is a          available as well as the chance to network        a.m. to 2 p.m.
 The Commissary will be closed starting       great way for people to get involved and         with other like-minded professionals at
 Aug. 25 at 5 p.m. until Aug. 28 at 8 a.m.,   help their community. The course will be         Nellis. Monthly meetings are held on the        t'JOBODJBM3FBEJOFTTGPS0ďDFSTBU'JSTU
 due to a complete store reset of the dry     Saturday, Aug. 29 from 10 a.m. to noon at        last Thursday of every month at Robin’s           Duty Station — Aug. 26, 8-9 a.m.
 and frozen areas of the sales f loor.        the Nellis AFB base theater. It is free for all  Roost in The Club from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.          Registration for classes is recommended. 
                                              participants and anyone with base access         For more information, call 702-652-9623.          For more information and to register,
    NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE                     is welcome. For more information on the                                                            contact the Creech Airman & Family
                                              program, visit              CREECH AIR FORCE BASE                         Readiness Center at 702-404-0864/0285.
Every Monday: Ready, Set, Grow at the         vef/skywarn.php.
Youth Center 10 a.m.                                                                           Need uniform items but don’t have time          Creech CrossFit August schedule: Creech
                                              Blood Drive Dates: The following dates           to go to Nellis? Creech is slated to have the   CrossFit classes will be held Tuesdays in the
Every Thursday: Walk-in GI Bill briefing      will be located at Outdoor Recreation with       ability to order uniform items and have them    morning, Fridays at noon, and Mondays at 3
2 p.m.                                        the exception of two MDG drives:                 delivered next day. Talk to your squadron       p.m. at the Predator Fitness Center.
                                                                                               leadership for more information.
Ice Cream Welcome Social: The Nellis          Aug.19 (Medical Group blood mobile)                                                               Reporting Suspicious Activities on or near
Area Spouses’ Club (an all ranks Nellis,      Aug. 20                                          Tired of slow cell phone service? Creech will   Creech Air Force Base: Please report any
Creech and NTTR spouses’ club) invites        Sept. 18                                         be debuting cellular boosters around Aug. 15    suspicious behavior/activities observed on or
you to our Ice Cream Welcome Social!          Nov. 13                                          to provide improved cellular reception to all.  near Creech AFB to law enforcement ASAP.
Come check us out 7 p.m., Aug. 18 at the      Dec. 10                                                                                          AFOSI can be contacted at 702-404-1613 and
Nellis Housing Office (4601 Richard Kis-      Airman Leadership School (blood mobile)          Volleyball court and soccer field construc-     Security Forces at 702-404-3333. Members
ling Rd.) for free ice cream. Leave the kids  Aug. 10                                          tion: A new volleyball court and soccer field   are also asked to add these telephone num-
at home and come check us out to sign up                                                       will begin being constructed. Work began        bers to cell phones so they are available to
for our fun special activities, win door      Deployed Spouses Supporting Deployed             Aug. 1 and is scheduled to be completed by      contact either agency quickly when needed.
prizes, and make new friends! R.S.V.P.        Spouses: Stay strong during deployments          Sept. 30.                                       Additionally, if you are in a group and the
by emailing For        and meet with other deployed spouses.                                                            entire group observes the activity in question
more information about the Nellis Area        Share ideas, learn coping skills, socialize      Airman & Family Readiness Center calendar       please only have one individual from the
Spouses’ Club, visit or     and more. Meetings are held at the Air-                                                          group contact law enforcement. If anyone has
our Facebook page.                            man and Family Readiness Center from             t%JUDIJOHUIF%PSN‰"VH
           observed any suspicious behaviors/activities
                                              11 a.m. to noon the first and third Monday         a.m., and Aug. 19, 1:30-3 p.m.                not previously reported, contact AFOSI or
2015 Air Force Ball: Make plans to at-        of each month. For more information call                                                         Security Forces.
tend this great event celebrating the men     702-652-3327.                                    t8SJUJOHBO&ČFDUJWF3FTVNF‰"VH
and women of the U.S. Air Force, Sept. 26                                                        from 1:30-2:30 p.m.
at the South Point Hotel and Casino. We       Workout Group: Workout with the AM-
will be remembering the people who came       Extreme Group at the Warrior Fitness
before us and looking forward to the great    Center. Classes include: Insanity and Ab
places we are heading. Contact your unit      Ripper — Mondays and Fridays in the
Air Force Ball representative for ticket      Cardio Room from 5:15 to 6:20 a.m. P90X
information.                                  — Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Cardio
                                              Room from 5:15 to 6:20 a.m. YogaX —
SKYWARN Storm Spotter Class: The              Wednesdays at Racquetball Court three
SKYWARN Storm Spotter course is taught        from 4:40 to 6:20 a.m. For more informa-
by National Weather Service meteorolo-        tion, contact Staff Sgt. Armelyn Braceros
gists (the very ones that forecast for our    at
area). Participants will be educated on
different types of severe weather, their      Resume Writing: The second Thursday
causes, and how to report it once observed.   of each month, from 9 to 11 a.m. at the
All participants will be certified through    Airman & Family Readiness Center.
the NWS to observe and report any/all         Topics include networking, cover letters,
severe weather activity. This allows for      announcements, resumes and marketing
weather warnings to be issued as early as     yourself. For more information, call 702-
possible, giving people the best chances      652-3327.
to protect themselves and their property.
                                              Love and Logic Parenting Series: Family
                                              Advocacy is hosting the Love and Logic
                                              parenting series at the Centennial Hills
                                              YMCA, Tuesdays at 11:00 a.m. Free child-
                                              care is provided for YMCA members. For
                                              more information, call 702-653-3880.

                                              Parent Support Group: Share common
                                              experiences unique to special needs fami-
                                              lies and learn about new information and
                                              resources. We meet the third Wednesday
                                              of every month at the airman and family
                                              readiness center.

                                              Nellis Company Grade Officer’s Council:
                                              The Nellis CGOC provides a source of
                                              social and professional development for
                                              all company grade officers at Nellis. Vol-
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