Page 20 - Nellis AFB Bullseye 8-7-15
P. 20



       Homes for Sale            Homes for Rent                     Apartments for Rent               Cars & Trucks                                             Services              Garage & Yard Sales

     Just Reduced!                   &/26(72%$6(                     1(:/<5(129$7('                (;&(//(17&21',7,21                                   'LUHF79                029,1*"3&6LQJ"
  RU2%2                                                    678',2$3$570(176                    /(;86/6                                                       *$5$*(<$5'6$/("
                                      **************************                                           Black/Beige, Navigation                     Starting at $19.99/mo
     ,1',$1635,1*6                     /DPE	$OH[DQGHU                        Kitchenettes                   Back-Up Camera                                                        ******************************
    +20(6)256$/(                             2,013-Sqft              Friendly Management/Staff                 Premium Auto                               )5(( Installation        $WWUDFW0RUH&XVWRPHUV
                                         4 Bedroom, 3-Bath                                                     Comfort Package                             )5(( 3-months of
      for35,&(                                                             Pool & Spa                  Heated/Cooled Seats                           HBO, SHOWTIME,              :LWKD&ODVVL¿HG$G
                                  2-Car Garage, All Appliances          Laundry Facilities On-site          Sunroof, 97,500-Miles                         CINEMAX & STARZ                 Call 877-247-9288
  Stop Driving Back & Forth                 $1,100/Month                                                                                               )5(( HD/DVR Upgrade!
    to the Base...5-Minutes                                                    Security Patrol          Multi-CD, Push-Button Start                    2015 NFL Sunday Ticket        Aerotech News & Review
                Away!                     *********************                Within Walking                                                         Included (Select Packages)
          Great Location                   5KRGHV5DQFK                   Distance to Shopping                                                    1HZ&XVWRPHUV2QO\
      Mature Landscaping,                                                                                                                                 &DOO
   2-Wells, Swimming Pool!                     2,781Sqft.                  )UHH8WLOLWLHV                     Call 405-823-2322
   Horse Property w/Corrals                 4 Bed, 4-Bath                     No Lease!                                                                      $,5
                                            2-Car Garage,                    No Deposits!                6(//RU%8<<285
  Across from Creech-AFB!                  Gated, Security                                                 :+((/6+(5(                                  /LFHQVHGWR&KLOO
900 Winston in Ranch Areas!                  Amenities of                 No Credit Checks!
                                     Rhodes Ranch Included!                                                Call Today, Place an Ad!                       A/C Service & Repair
  McArthur to Winston, Turn                 $1,750/Month                ****************************             Aerotech News                                Veteran Owned
Left, Go Near End of Winston,                                           Newly Renovated Casino                    877-247-9288
                                          *********************          and Restaurant On Site                                                                    License# 0079268
              Look For               &DOO'DYH                                                   Announcements
         SIMPLY VEGAS                                                    )LUVWRQ8V6HH                                                                  Doug Brown
       FOR SALE SIGNS                  'DYH6KDIIHU5HDOW\             3OD\HU
V&OXEIRU'HWDLOV          '217)25*(7                                     Cell:575-812-9547
Both Properties Sold as One!                                                                                                                               2I¿FH
         Rent 1 Property                0,/,7$5<)$0,/,(6                                 &/$66,),('$''($'/,1(
  to Pay Mortgage or Use as                  :(/&20(                                                        78(6'$<#1221                                          CRAIG W. DRUMMOND
   Additional Family Home!                                          "Senior Living                               ($&+:((.                                          WWW.DRUMMONDFIRM.COM
                                           North Las Vegas                    at it's Finest"
    35,&('726(//)25              Large, 6-Bedroom, 3-Bath                                                   Misc. for Sale                                 CRIMINAL DEFENSE, DUI’S,
 $,5)25&(3(56211(/            All Appliances w/Washer./Dryer,       ************                                                                   DOMESTIC VIOLENCE & UCMJ DEFENSE
                                     Ceiling Fans Throughout!                                         6OHHS1XPEHU%HG, Queen with
       0$.($12))(5             Oversized Backyard, No Pets               %HGURRP          vibrating independent adjust-                     FORMER CAPTAIN, U.S. ARMY JAG CORPS
    2-Homes! Great Shape!                                                    %HGURRP          able frame, wireless remotes,
                                           Available NOW!                  Many Nice Features         all docs, hardware and parts.                   DISCOUNTS FOR VETERANS, SERVICE MEMBERS & THEIR FAMILY MEMBERS
         Move-In ASAP!                      702-739-8820                                              PCSing $1300.00 OBO.
                                                   Almost New!           0LWVXELVKL :'  79                   FREE CONSULTATION (702) 366-9966
    Call for Showing Today!                                          Washer/Dryer, All Appliances     with stand, remote and additional
    /\QQ                       1RUWK(DVW                                                lamp housing. Working great.
   6LPSO\9HJDV5HDOW\                   WK	7URSLFDO                 Pool/Carport, Clubhouse       Selling only because PCSing
                                                                            Exercise Machines         $450.00 OBO Call 240-281-8161
      (No realtor?, I'll help!   FRESHLY PAINTED, CLEAN                        
  w/Easy Offer and Financing)    AND READY FOR IMMEDIATE                                                           Services
                                 MOVE-IN!! 4-Bedroom, 2-Bath,        Employment Opportunities
       Homes for Rent            2-Car. All Appliances, Large Liv-                                             ',6+795HWDLOHU
                                 ing, Dining and Kitchen Areas.        'HVHUW$GXOW%RRNV                        6$9(RQ
       /,9(+(5(                Master has Walk-In Closet.
     6WDUWLQJDW          1,656-sqft. $1,095/Mo + Sec          1/DV9HJDV%OYG                4XDOLI\LQJ3DFNDJHV
                                 Deposit. Call 702-450-5778,                                                  Starting $19.99/Mo.
   ****************************  MLS#1558064 Creative Real                 Immediately Outside                   (for 12-months)
      3-4 Bedroom Houses         Estate Associates.                       Nellis-AFB Main Gate                         FREE
   All Full-Sized Appliances                                                    :$17('                    Premium Movie Channels
       Upgraded Flooring             %27+$9$,/$%/(                                                            FREE Installation!
        Pets Welcome w/           *$7('&20081,7<                         Clerk Full/Part-Time                CALL, COMPARE
        Some Restrictions                                                          All Shifts                    LOCAL DEALS
                                            **********                                                          1-800-279-1290
     Landscaping Included          (DVW&UDLJ5G                 Janitor Part-Time
                                        First Floor 974-Sqft.        0LOLWDU\'HSHQGHQWV:HOFRPH
                                VERY CLEAN
                                                                              Apply in Person
    Creative Real                        2-Bedroom, 2-Bath                  NO PHONE CALLS
Estate Associates                    New Microwave/No Pets
RENTAL HOMES IN                                                                702-643-7982
‡1RUWK/DV9HJDV                           $750/Mo+Dep.
‡/DV9HJDV                                                         800-45-DUCKS                  13 MILLION ACRES…                                   BUYING A VA HOME?
‡+HQGHUVRQ                            ***************                                               AND COUNTING                                     NEED A VA LOAN?
                                   (DVW/DNH0HDG%OYG           A CFC participant -
   Rents from $                                                  provided as a public service      For more information,                                 We will partner you up with some of the top
       Contact us                                                                                 go to                                    Las Vegas based highly experienced VA
                                         2-Bedroom, 2-Bath
   702-450-5778                          Laminated Flooring         	

                                                                   mortgage officers that are also military veterans                        New A/C & Fridge
                                  Granite Counter-Top/No Pets       ,)<28$5(%8<,1*256(//,1*$+20(                                                                        Tommy Leigh
                                                                                                                                                                 Veteran – United States Air Force
                                            $750/Mo+Dep.            &DOO0H                                                                               Broker/Owner of Vegas One Realty

                                                         $332,170(1721/<21                                                               CALL: 702-460-8143

                                      Apartments for Rent                                         -RH$:DVKLQJWRQ-U                             

                                     678',26%('5220                                          1DWXUH3DUN'U6WH                        FREE CREDIT ASSISTANCE
                                     %$7+$3$570(176                                                  1/DV9HJDV19
                                                                                                                                                       for all VETS and Military affiliated members
                                             No Lease                                             
                                            No Deposits                                                                                               LET’S GET YOU READY TO BUY A VA HOME
                                     6+257	/21*7(50
                                           Fully Furnished                                        )D[              *5,

                                         All utilities Included                                   UMZU#FR[QHW              <($56(;3(5,(1&(
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