Page 23 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 10-16-15
P. 23

Thunderbolt                                                    SPORTS                                                                                                Oct. 16, 2015
OSS makes comeback to beat 372nd TRS
                                                                                                                                          Sports Shorts
 Airman 1st Class                                                                                                                       *KRVWO\*KRXO*ORZ5XQ
                                                                                                                                           The Ghostly Ghouls glow 5k fun
                56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  6HQLRU$LUPDQ-DPHV6PLWKTXDUWHUEDFNIRUWKHWK2SHUDWLRQV6XSSRUW6TXDG-         run is 6 a.m. Oct. 30 beginning at
                                                  URQÀDJIRRWEDOOWHDPUHFHLYHVDKLNH2FWDW/XNH$LU)RUFH%DVH)ODJIRRWEDOO  the 944th Fighter Wing headquarters
   The 56th Operations Support Squad-             EHWZHHQ/XNHXQLWWHDPVRFFXUVZHHNO\DQGLQVSLUHVLQWHQVHFRPSHWLWLRQ               auxiliary parking lot on Super Sabre
ron team faced off against the Detach-                                                                                                  Street. Awards for those who are 1st,
ment 12, 372nd Training Squadron                  quicker,” said Chandler Hunter, 372nd     We’re going to keep working, keep play-     2nd and 3rd-place finishers in male
WHDPODWH2FWLQDÁDJIRRWEDOOJDPH          TRS quarterback. “They were getting to    ing and keep running for the playoffs       and female categories. Refreshments
at Luke Air Force Base. OSS defeated              us fast, containing us and we couldn’t    from here. We can only get better.”         are included. For more infomration,
372nd TRS 19-12.                                  get a pass off, couldn’t run.”                                                        call 623-856-6241.
                                                                                               Smith spoke with confidence about
   QG 756 WRRN FKDUJH RI WKH ÀHOG          Despite the defeat, 372nd TRS is op-   his team.                                   ,QWUDPXUDOVSRUWV
early in the game, taking advantage of            timistic about future games and their
mistakes and turnovers made by OSS to             ability to improve.                          “We had a solid defense and a lot of        Fall softball and volleyball tour-
VFRUH WZR WRXFKGRZQV LQ WKH ÀUVW KDOI                                               speed on the offensive side of the ball,”   naments begin Nov. 2 and Oct. 19
OSS rallied in time to gain one touch-               “Communication is the biggest key for  Smith said. “We just got the ball into      respectively. Letters-of-intent must
down before the end of the half, leaving          us,” Hunter said. “It’ll push us through  the playmakers’ hands and let them          be submitted to Antonia Bazan by
the scoreboard at 12-6 and proving that           the tough times and help us persevere.    make plays.”                                Oct. 23 for softball and today for vol-
the game was far from over.                                                                                                             leyball.

   ´:HPDGHDIHZPLVWDNHVLQWKHÀUVW                                                                                                    ‡6RIWEDOOJDPHVZLOOEHSOD\HG
half, a couple of bad throws on my part                                                                                                 and 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday
resulting in interceptions, but we have                                                                                                 at the Luke Air Force Base Bryant
play-makers on the team,” said James                                                                                                    Fitness Center softball fields. A man-
Smith, 56th OSS quarterback. “They’re                                                                                                   datory coaches meeting will be held at
the ones who really made the plays that                                                                                                 3:30 p.m. Oct. 29 at the fitness center.
brought us back in the second half.”
   The second half yielded nothing but                                                                                                  3:45 and 4:30 p.m. Monday through
OSS domination as it seemed that 372nd                                                                                                  Thursday in the fitness center. A
TRS began to burn out just as OSS found                                                                                                 mandatory coaches meeting will be
its second wind and began driving hard                                                                                                  held at 2:30 p.m. Thursday at the
for the end zone. OSS scored consistently                                                                                               fitness center.
throughout the half, while 372nd TRS
was unable to answer with a single point.                                                                                                  For more information, call 623-
   372nd TRS attempted to turn the tide
in the middle of the half by wrestling for                                                                                              ,QGRRUYROOH\EDOO
the ball through a series of quick turn-
overs, but ultimately to no avail. OSS                                                                                                     Coed volleyball for beginner to
surged yet again late in the game and                                                                                                   expert skill levels is 6 p.m. Mondays
secured the win with a strong offense                                                                                                   and Wednesdays, and 3 p.m. Sundays
boasting excellent passing from Smith                                                                                                   at the Bryant Fitness Center in bas-
and big plays on the part of the receivers.                                                                                             ketball Court 3. For more informa-
                                                                                                                                        tion, email Alex Sigler at alexander.
   “The OSS defense just got much                                                                                             

of the

                       Thursday        Airman 1st Class                Master Sgt.                      Staff Sgt.                  Tech. Sgt.       Airman 1st Class
      $WODQWDYV1HZ2UOHDQV             5LGJH6KDQ               Leonard Hodges                      3HUU\9LWDOL             Brandon Savage        Joseph Deguino
                                                               WK2SHUDWLRQV*URXS        56th Mission Support Group     56th Maintenance Group   56th Medical Group
                          Sunday      56th Fighter Wing
          &LQFLQQDWLYV%XIIDOR              Atlanta                     Atlanta                         Atlanta                  1HZ2UOHDQV              Atlanta
                                            &LQFLQQDWL                  &LQFLQQDWL                        Buffalo                    &LQFLQQDWL             Buffalo
            &KLFDJRYV'HWURLW              Denver                       Denver                          Denver                      Denver                Denver
       7H[DQVYV-DFNVRQYLOOH               &KLFDJR                                                      Detroit                      Detroit              Detroit
   .DQVDV&LW\YV0LQQHVRWD                 Houston                      Detroit                      -DFNVRQYLOOH                   Houston            -DFNVRQYLOOH
                                                                         Houston                        0LQQHVRWD                                        .DQVDV&LW\
          0LDPLYV7HQQHVVHH             .DQVDV&LW\                   0LQQHVRWD                       Tennessee                   0LQQHVRWD             Tennessee
     :DVKLQJWRQYV1<-HWV              Tennessee                       0LDPL                         1<-HWV                  Tennessee            Washington
                                            1<-HWV                    1<-HWV                        $UL]RQD                    1<-HWV              $UL]RQD
         $UL]RQDYV3LWWVEXUJK             Pittsburgh                  Pittsburgh                        Seattle                                           Seattle
            &DUROLQDYV6HDWWOH                                          Seattle                       %DOWLPRUH                     $UL]RQD           San Francisco
                                              Seattle                San Francisco                      *UHHQ%D\                     Seattle             San Diego
 %DOWLPRUHYV6DQ)UDQFLVFR                %DOWLPRUH                   *UHHQ%D\                     1HZ(QJODQG                 San Francisco          ,QGLDQDSROLV
     6DQ'LHJRYV*UHHQ%D\               *UHHQ%D\                  1HZ(QJODQG                                                   *UHHQ%D\
                                          ,QGLDQDSROLV                                                 3KLODGHOSKLD                ,QGLDQDSROLV          N.Y. Giants
1HZ(QJODQGYV,QGLDQDSROLV                                           3KLODGHOSKLD                     63 percent                                        56 percent
                                           N.Y. Giants                  56 percent                      55 percent                 3KLODGHOSKLD           SHUFHQW
                         Monday            SHUFHQW                   SHUFHQW               ³,¶PMXVWGRLQJWKLVVR           SHUFHQW            ³6ZHUYH´
                                           54 percent          ³'RQ¶WVWDQGRQWKHWUDFNV          ,GRQ¶WJHW¿QHG´              53 percent
N.Y. Giants vs. Philadelphia       ³,GRQ¶WUHPHPEHUZKDWLW   ZKHQWKHWUDLQ¶VFRPLQJ                                         ³7LPHIRUOHVVRQ
                                     IHHOVOLNHWRQRWZLQ´             WKURXJK´
     Last week’s percentage                                                                                                            1R´

     Year to date percentage

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