Page 19 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 10-16-15
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Thunderbolt                                                          NEWS                                                                                                                                                 Oct. 16, 2015

STREET BEAT                                                                                                                             JUSTICE REPORT

   The 56th Security Support Squadron                                to a medical emergency at Bldg. 1540.                                 The following is a list of Articles 15                    ‡ $ VHQLRU DLUPDQ ZDV GHPRWHG WR
handled the following incidents Oct. 12                              Security forces provided first aid and                             and administrative actions issued in                      WKH UDQN RI DQ DLUPDQ ÀUVW FODVV IRU
through 15:                                                          coordinated with medical personnel. The                            September at Luke Air Force Base.                         IDLOXUHWRNHHSÀW
                                                                     patient was taken to a nearby hospital for
Tickets                                                              further evaluation.                                                WK2SHUDWLRQV*URXS                                     56th Mission Support
   Security forces issued citations for one                          Nonemergency responses                                                Article 15s
moving violation and one nonmoving                                                                                                         ‡ $Q DLUPDQ ILUVW FODVV UHFHLYHG                    Article 15s
violation.                                                              Oct. 5: Security forces responded to re-                        nonjudicial punishment for failure to                        ‡$QDLUPDQÀUVWFODVVUHFHLYHGQRQ-
                                                                     port of a warrant’s hit at the South Gate                          obey a lawful order given by a senior                     judicial punishment for wrongful use
7UDI¿FUHODWHGLQFLGHQWV                                             Visitor Center. Security forces detained a                         NCO. The individual received a re-                        of marijuana. The individual received
                                                                     QRQPLOLWDU\ DIÀOLDWHG FLYLOLDQ IRU WKH RI-                    duction to airman, forfeiture of $867                     a reduction to airman, suspended for-
   Oct. 9: Security forces responded to a                            fense of violation of a court order. Phoenix                       pay per month for two months and a                        feiture of $867 pay per month for two
report of a minor vehicle accident involv-                           police was contacted and took control.                             reprimand.                                                months and a reprimand.
ing a government-owned vehicle and a                                                                                                       Administrative discharges
privately owned vehicle at the parking                                  Oct. 7: Security forces responded to a                             ‡ $Q DLUPDQ ZDV GLVFKDUJHG IRU                   56th Medical Group
lot of Bldg. 945.                                                    report of a warrant’s hit in Ocotillo hous-                        drug abuse.
                                                                     LQJIROORZLQJDWUDIÀFVWRS6HFXULW\IRUFHV                                                                                   Administrative discharges
Emergency responses                                                  GHWDLQHGDQRQPLOLWDU\DIÀOLDWHGFLYLOLDQ                         56th Maintenance Group                                       ‡ $Q DLUPDQ EDVLF ZDV GLVFKDUJHG
                                                                     for the offense of child support arrest                                                                                      for drug abuse.
   Oct. 5: Security forces responded to                              warrant. Glendale police was contacted                                Article 15s                                               Punishments for similar offenses
medical emergency at Bldg. 1130. Secu-                               and took control.                                                     ‡$VWDIIVHUJHDQWUHFHLYHGQRQMXGL-                   may vary from case to case based on the
ULW\ IRUFHV SURYLGHG ÀUVW DLG DQG FRRUGL-                                                                                         cial punishment for willfully pursuing                    circumstances of the offense and factors
nated with medical personnel. The patient                            Alarm activations                                                  an intimate relationship with a sub-                      such as an offender’s age, military and
was taken to a nearby hospital for further                                                                                              ordinate. The individual received a                       GLVFLSOLQDU\UHFRUGÀQDQFLDOFRQGLWLRQ
evaluation.                                                             Security forces responded to one alarm                          reduction to senior airman, suspended                     and suitability for continued service.
                                                                     activation on base.                                                forfeiture of $1,175 pay per month for                    To ensure fair administration of justice
   Oct. 11: Security forces responded                                                                                                   two months and a reprimand.                               throughout the Luke AFB community,
to a medical emergency at Bldg. 2202.                                7LSRIWKHZHHN                                                       Administrative demotions                               WKHOHJDORIÀFHUHYLHZVDOOFDVHV
Security forces provided first aid and                                                                                                     ‡$QDLUPDQÀUVWFODVVZDVGHPRWHG
coordinated with medical personnel. The                                 Be vigilant when children and pets are                          to the rank of airman for failure to                                    Courtesy of the 56th Fighter Wing
patient was taken to a nearby hospital for                           around pools and lakes.                                            NHHSÀW                                                                                            /HJDO2I¿FH
further evaluation.
                                                                           Courtesy of Senior Airman Brian LeFevere
   Oct. 11: Security forces responded                                                                                   56th SFS

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