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Pe a c e ,  L o v e   a n d   Hi p p i e s                                                                                   Wal t  Disney and t he 1960s

                                                                                                                                                                        By: Ahr eum Jeong, Gr ade 8
                                              By Maggie Troast, Grade 8
              Throughout the ages, the mainstream way of life has been changing. However, none have been
         quite as revolutionary as the 1960 Hippie Movement. Starting in 1960 and for years after, the Hippie
         Movement was an act to attempt at ridding the world, or at least America, of violence. Hippies stood for
         peace and love, and they wanted to break away from the average day lifestyles and be unique. Their act
         of digressing from the mainstream way of life was the start of an era. It was as though they were
         starting a new religion, with all of their beliefs. Beliefs such as respecting yourself and not trying to
         please society, or wanting there to be peace in the world, as opposed to all of the violence going on.
              ?The hippies? primary tenet was that life was about being happy, not about what others thought you
         should be?. It was as if they were just trying to vindicate between wrong and right, their way being right,
         because if you are not yourself and are just trying to reach someone's standards, it cannot be much of
         a life. Woman and men typically had long hair, which to most people at the time was new and different.
         Additionally, women went ?braless? and, sometimes, shirtless. Furthermore, those who were
         uncomfortable with these acts of rebellion stayed out of it, leaving it to the hippies who were involved.
              The phrase ?if it feels good, do it? comes to mind when thinking of their beliefs towards drugs. This                 Many people know Walt Disney as the person who influenced the Disney Channel and Disney
         phrase was commonly used in the hippie culture because it corresponded with being yourself and                             World. What made Walt Disney so prominent? We know him as the famous entrepreneur who
         doing what you want to do; what makes you upbeat. The fact that the Vietnam war was going on right                         created our favorite original cartoons, but how did he do it? Ever since Walt Disney was a child,
         around this time only added fuel to the fire. After all, being against violence lead to the hippies being
                                                                                                                                    he had a love for drawing and amusement parks. When Walt Disney was 18, he became a
         against the war and the use of nuclear weapons. People involved in the movement were not limited to
                                                                                                                                    draftsman at a local art studio and he became the junior new editor at his high school.
         America; in fact, there were even some hippies in Germany and Britain. Many people were against
         violence and wanted everyone on earth to live in peace and harmony, and with people in more than                           Iwerks and Roy were the first two people that Walt hired. Walt met Iwerks at an art studio and
         one of earth?s countries supporting this movement, it made it more likely to become reality. Despite                       the three of them started a company together. Additionally, an amusement park called Electric
         being announced ?dead? in 1967 in Haight (California) and beginning to die out everywhere else after                       Park was one of Walt?s favorite parks because the lights illuminated everything. Lights
         that, a few stray hippies are still left over, even today Tons of people remain standing for peace, love,                  illuminated pools, roller coasters, and arcades. This park was inspiring to him. When Walt was
         and no violence. Besides, if one were to look up people doing the ?peace sign? symbol, the hippie ?logo,?                  taking art class, he surprised his teacher when he drew original drawings such as flowers with
         there would be more recent pictures than ones from the 1960?s, because this movement is still
                                                                                                                                    human hands. He continued drawing even when he broke his foot, and he even took art
         affecting people all over the world, from changing views on sex being a so called ?taboo,? to equality
                                                                                                                                    classes to better his craft. In fact, he started his own studio in Kansas called, ?Laugh-O-Grams.?
         being less of a fantasy, and more of a reality. There is no way of changing the past, and this culture is
         simply infused into the nation.                                                                                            ?I only hope that we never lose sight of one thing - that it was all started by a mouse.? Mickey
                                                                                                                                    Mouse was the mascot for Disney and still is to this day. Walt Disney tells us that we should
                                                                                                                                    never forget that his business was all started by a mouse, a mouse that was drawn on a train.
                                                                                                                                    Mickey Mouse started when Disney was depressed because M.J. Winkler stole his animators
                                                                                                                                    and his rights for Oswald duck, his first cartoon. Lastly, Disney not only changed history for
                                                                                                                                    children but also for adults. ?If you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and
                                                                                                                                    unquestionably.? Disney taught children that if they believe, their dreams can come true no
                                                                                                                                    matter what. He helped them believe in their dreams and to never give up in what they
                                                                                                                                    believed in. He even helped bring laughter and joy to their lives during war and destruction.
                                                                                                                                    Now, there is such thing as a Disney Channel, a mix of animations and television shows with
                                                                                                                                    actors and actresses. There was no such thing as a Disney Channel back then but Disney?s

                                                                                                                                    plans and cartoons back then helped make Disney Channel the popular channel it is today.
                                                                                              Ar t   b y   Emma                     Long after his death, Walt Disney still influences modern society.
                                                                                            Du r r ,   Gr a d e   8
                                                                                                                                                                              Ar t wo r k   b y   L i l y   Sa n t a n a ,   Gr a d e   7
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