Page 38 - Images Literary Magazine 2016 - 2017.pdf
P. 38

F r e e d o m                                                  F r e e d o m

                                                                  Freedom is robin egg blue, cracking in t he soft               Freedom is Bright  Caribbean Green.
                                                                  morning sunlight .
                                                                                                                                 Walking out  of confinement , t aking in t he fresh
                                                                  Bright , vibrant  flowers sprout ing t hrough t he             breeze
                                                                  ground, aft er a long, bland wint er
                                                                                                                                 Sprint ing int o t he ocean, aft er lying in t he
                                                                  Wind flowing t hrough t he light  blue sky,                    scorching sun
                                                                  unlimit ed t o what  direct ion it  t ravels                   Adrenaline flowing t hrough every single vein

                                                                  Salt  wat er breeze on a blazing July summer                   Opening up concealed feelings t o someone
       F r e e d o m
                                                                  day                                                            significant
       Freedom is deep sky blue.
                                                                  Laught er of friends at  a wild and enjoyable                  Singing uplift ing music in t he car, wit h t he
       Fresh air, when st epping out side on a cool               part y                                                         windows rolled down
       aut umn day                                                                                                               Showing off t alent s in front  of a big crowd
                                                                  Never ending calm, before t he st orm
       Fresh, warm, homemade cupcakes filling                                                                                    Freedom is wat ching a colored t elevision for t he
                                                                  Freedom is t he flut t er of a bird's wings, as it  is
       pat ient  st omachs                                                                                                       first  t ime.
       Loved ones st epping out , wit h open arms t o
                                                                   OP P R E S S I ON                                                                                                         F r e e d o m
       greet  guest s                                                                                                            Op p r e s s i o n
                                                                  Oppression is old, burgundy scars, left  on t he                                                                           Freedom is robin egg blue.
       Fireworks splashing colors, int o t he dark                                                                               Oppression is Bat t leship Grey.
                                                                  broken body.                                                                                                               Agile birds soaring t hrough t he spring breeze
       night  sky                                                                                                                Rot t ing food inside a concealed environment
                                                                  Musky, rust ed met al chains, beat en up                                                                                   Overcoming difficult  t imes, result ing in peace and
       Delight ful children, cheering and running in
                                                                                                                                 Being t aken down by a colossal wave in t he                t ranquilit y
       t he dist ance                                             Sorrowful frowns, dawning t he faces of t he                   ocean
                                                                  imprisoned                                                                                                                 Powdery sand sift ing bet ween warm t oes
       Joyous feelings of seeing a friend succeed                                                                                Drowning in silence t hat  t hought s overpower
                                                                  Never ending hurricane t hat  rips apart  all t hat                                                                        Must angs galloping, wild and free
       Freedom is t he rising sun, daring t o go up                                                                              Spending t ime in a school lock-down, wit hout
                                                                  was once known                                                                                                             Willow t rees swaying in t he whist ling wind
       against  t he dark night .                                                                                                being able t o move
                                                                  Cries for help, followed by deat hly silences                                                                              Breat hing in t he fresh air
                                                                                                                                 Oblit erat ion aft er an eart hquake
                                                                  Being st ripped complet ely of individual                                                                                  Freedom is t he St at ue of Libert y, st anding t all.
       Op p r e s s i o n                                                                                                        Oppression is put t ing t he weight  of t he world
                                                                  ident it y                                                     on a marshmallow.
       Oppression is rust ed red.
                                                                  Oppression is t he suffocat ing feeling of                     By Sophia Delgado and Kayla Fox, Grade 8                    Op p r e s s i o n
       Feelings of hunger and chills running up and               drowning.
                                                                                                                                                                                             Oppression is sepia brown.
       down a spine
                                                                   By Sara Corsi, Olivia Vallo, Bryn Afflitto, Grade 8
       Screaming in t he dist ance, while gunshot s are                                                                                                                                      People held back, unable t o achieve goals
       heard                                                                                                                                                                                 Rust ed chains, eroding away at  t he skin

       Sour, unsavory, smog it ching noses                                                                                                                                                   Bit t er t ast es, surrounding t he palat e
                                                                                                                                                                                             Anguished screams, silenced by supremacy
       Hushed children in fear for t heir lives
                                                                                                                                                                                             Soiled hands becoming soiled souls
       Murky, brown wat er seeping down t he
       st ream                                                                                                                                                                               Paralyzed by depressed, glaring eyes

       Choices, bet ween st arvat ion and moldy bread                                                                                                                                        Oppression is prey t o t he predat or.
       Oppression is a locked cage, slowly dipping                                                                                                                                           By Caeley Philhower and Allison Levenduski,
       deeper int o t he wat er.                                                                                                                                                             Grade 8

        By  Juliana Guerra, Ashley Livingstone, Gillian
       Schiffer, Grade 8
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