Page 41 - Images Literary Magazine 2016 - 2017.pdf
P. 41
Art by Mike Magiera, Grade 7
Without a Label The Thing Ever y
By Brooke Struble and Anna Sumner, Grade 8
Per son Fear s
When empires were trees and laughter was rebellion
Amser cried of broken bones and bruises
One could run around wildly until truly considered a hellion
By: Dan Rot hman, Grade 8
?The adult? stood sharply and saw the abuses.
Yet nothing but a dusty mistake remained
Once buried beneath the stones of this house ? The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.? -FDR
His head tilted as he spoke ?now who is there to blame??
A new hatred now doused.
His tearful heart stretched towards the cities beyond Do you know what all people
Where kindred is treated kindly fear? Deep down, every person
Where young deer once fawned knows. It isn?t death. It isn?t
His mind absent from his true intentions, he followed a path blindly. Acrophobia. It isn?t stage fright. It is
something more. Something
Yonder come morning, yonder come night
?A renovation to come, a renovation in flight?
The toolshed grew larger with each passing sight Something hidden deep down
that people tend to forget. The
A simple intention beginning to rewrite.
Despite the peeling paint
reason why people fear it so much
Walls were torn down; paintings were replaced
And the rabbit which he clutched
is because they know nothing
Yet he felt a small tug
There was no room for complaint. about it. Whenever you start to
And recalled his toys which were now cased
No longer was there desired riches think about it, your mind is
His unforgiving self began to unplug.
Nor a prudence which rang in his ears crowded by darkness. You don?t
The stuffed rabbit lined with dust know a thing. People fear what
A new appreciation seeps through the stitches
The past years, alone he had woken they do not understand. They act
No longer ashamed of his tears.
A forgotten part of his mind where he once held trust on that. They do stupid things that
He lays frigid on the floor with his rabbit
He had repaired the unbroken. the world may not forgive them
His grasp tight and assured
for. The people involved in these
He had repaired the untouched
No more destruction built by habit
actions pay the price. But we could
Once a boy, now matured.
be better. The world could be
Amser?s red lettered kinfolk
better if we stop acting on our fears. If we realize that we don?t have to understand
Who now join around the table everything. If people realize that some things should stay not understood. But there is
Once a stranger who spoke one truth. People don?t understand fear. And that is why the thing that haunts people
Now a man without a label. the most is not what they fear, it is fear itself.
Art by Owen Casey, Grade 7