Page 2 - Images Literary Magazine 2016 - 2017.pdf
P. 2
Tabl e of Cont ent s
A Message f r om t he I mages St af f : We or ganized our paper t o r ef l ect not
onl y seasonal changes. but t he changes which t ake pl ace over t ime and in
our wor l d ar ound us!
A ut umn .................................................................. Pag e 3
W in ter...................................................................................................Page 14
Ti me.......................................................Page 18
Spr ing/Summer......................................Page 26
Socia l ..............................................................Pa ge 36
ag i hr a
Chnesad t fir s
M e s inh mde
sy teidl
re u a
G o g ost th en d
- R o in hrm
b Sa a