Page 6 - Images Literary Magazine 2016 - 2017.pdf
P. 6


                                        By Ekater ina Denisenko

                                                      Grade 6

                            When we look out  of our window, on t he last  day of

                          We know t hat  school is st art ed, we know it ?s a bummer.

                                             We hope for a good year,

                                             Of spreading good cheer,

                                 And t hinking of ot hers, while seeing so clear.

                                               The school year is nice,

                                     Though some people t hink ot herwise.

                                  I t hink of school, when I t hink of blue skies!

                        What  is t his season, t he one we say is in bet ween summer
                                                      and wint er?

                                                    I have no idea,

                                           The quest ion is unanswered,

                             Alt hough we know bet t er, we do know t his answer!

                                 This season it  Aut umn, no fall and no more.

                                                  This season is fall,

                                                Think of it , no more!

                                   Pict ure  by: Ekat erina Denisenko, Grade 6
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