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                                            Driving & Travelling Hours                          Issue No: 06
                                                   Policy Statement                      Issue Date: 09/08/2017

               The  purpose  of  this  policy  is  to  set  out  the  company’s  commitment  to  ensure  the  health,
               safety  and  welfare  of  its  employees,  contractors  and  other  road  users  in  the  way  that  it
               manages driving and travelling hours to and from a site of work.  This policy follows good
               practice  guidelines  laid  down  by  The  Health  and  Safety  Executive,  the  Department  for
               Transport and the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents.  It sets out limits on hours
               spent travelling to and from site as it is recognised that this activity can have an impact on
               the levels of fatigue both for work and for driving.

               The  company  is  committed  to  ensuring  that  driving  and  travelling  hours  are  planned,
               managed, controlled and monitored such that fatigue will not lead to errors that are likely to
               create danger on railway infrastructure or cause road traffic accidents whilst travelling to and
               from site.  The policy is applicable to all company employees and contractors employed by
               the company.  It does not cover commuting.

               The following limits apply in respect of driving and travelling hours:

                  •     The maximum permitted planned travelling time is limited such that the total time of
                        travel plus planned shift length does not exceed 14 hours.  For example, if the time
                        required on site is 10 hours then total planned travelling time must not exceed 4
                  •     Travelling time prior to the start of a shift must not be planned to exceed 3 hours.
                  •     No employee shall drive for more than 2½ continuously without a 15 to 20 minute
                        break and for no more than 6 hours in a single day.

               These policy guidelines must not be exceeded unless a risk assessment has been carried
               out and additional control measures have been agreed and implemented.  In circumstances
               where these guidelines are likely to be exceeded, lodging in a hotel for at least eight hours
               will be arranged  before resumption of a journey.  Even if the guidelines do not appear to
               have been exceeded, the company will endeavour to accommodate all reasonable requests
               for lodging from an employee or contractor.  Driving whilst tired will be actively discouraged
               and the taking of frequent breaks and rotation of drivers will be promoted.

               It  is  the  duty  of  every  employee  to  seek  authorisation  where  an  exceedance  is  likely  to
               happen or has already occurred.  It is also the duty of every employee to take reasonable
               care for the health and safety of himself and of other persons who may be affected by his
               acts or omissions at work in accordance with Section 7 of the Health and Safety at Work etc.
               Act 1974.

               Mr S E Jamieson
               Chief Executive Officer
               RT Infrastructure Solutions Limited

               S:\Resource Management\On-Call\On-Call  Folder 5.6.18\8. Driving & Travelling Hours policy Statement\PS08 Driving & Travelling Hours Policy Statement Issue No 06
               09-08-2017.docx                                                                      Page 1 of 1
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