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                                        Accident, Incident and Near Miss                             Issue No:05
                                              Reporting & Investigation                              25/07/2017

               1.0    INTRODUCTION

               The purpose of this procedure is to provide standard classifications of accident outcomes and minimum
               standards regarding the investigation of accidents. It also defines the requirements for the recording of
               accident details, investigation findings, recommendations and corrective action.

               2.0    OBJECTIVES

               To ensure that RT Infrastructure Solutions Limited (“RTIS”) meets legal requirements on accident
               reporting as well as to report consistently on accidents, make appropriate investigations into causation,
               identify corrective action where required, implement agreed actions and then review their implementation
               and effectiveness.

               3.0    SCOPE

               This procedure is applicable to all sites where RTIS staff work.

               4.0    RESPONSIBILITIES

               4.1    Senior Managers
               Senior Managers are responsible for establishing and maintaining appropriate procedures to implement
               RTIS’s policy within their sphere of operation. They are responsible for leading investigation teams where
               the actual or potential severity of outcome is a fatality and for ensuring a formal inquiry takes place where
               the actual or potential severity of outcome is or could have been reportable under RIDDOR.

               4.2    Managers
               Managers are responsible for leading formal inquiries where the actual or potential severity of outcome is
               or would be reportable under RIDDOR, with the exception of fatalities where they may participate upon
               request. They are responsible for ensuring appropriate provision is made for an injured/sick person to
               return to work as soon as possible without prejudice to their full recovery. They are responsible for
               ensuring that the information gathered in an investigation on events and causation, recommendations,
               action plans and review details are reported to the PHoSS.

               In the event that the accident or incident occurred on Network Rail infrastructure, the accident must be
               reported to the client, principal contractor or direct to Network Rail by the Operations Manager (OM). The
               method of reporting will be in accordance with the requirements of the client.

               4.3    Team Leaders/Line Managers
               Team Leaders/Line Managers are responsible for ensuring that an accident report is made to AIRline if
               the affected person is unable to do so due to the nature of their injuries. They will undertake the initial
               investigation of an accident using an approved Investigation Form and participate in a formal inquiry upon
               request.  Team Leaders/Line Managers also are responsible for ensuring that any absence, or potential
               absence, resulting from a Lost Time Accident is reported to the PHoSS and the OM.

               4.4    Operations Manager (OM)
               The OM is responsible for the welfare arrangements for injured/sick persons and checking personal
               records are updated appropriately.

               4.5    Professional Head of Safety & Standards (PHoSS)
               The PHoSS is responsible for entering initial details of all accidents received into a database thereby
               creating an Accident Record, and arranging the dispatch of Daily Summaries of accidents according to the
               requirements identified by the company. When an accident is reported out of normal office hours which
               requires telephone notification to the Health & Safety Executive, where no alternative approved procedure
               exists they are responsible for advising the PHoSS.

               S:\Resource Management\On-Call\On-Call  Folder 5.6.18\9. AccidentIncident Near Miss Reporting & Investigation\SP002 Accident Incident Near Miss Reporting & Investigation
               Issue 05 25-07-2017.doc
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