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                                        Accident, Incident and Near Miss                             Issue No:05
                                              Reporting & Investigation                              25/07/2017

               4.6    Affected Person or First Informant
               The affected person is responsible for notifying the company of any loss event accident in which they are
               involved, or near miss involvement, either via contact with AIRline direct or other approved arrangements.
               They are required to assist subsequent investigations into the causes of the accident and to complete or
               verify the relevant accident book entry.

               In the event of injury/sickness that may affect their ability to attend work the following or subsequent day
               they are responsible for advising their Team Leader/Line Manger or the OM of the fact and what medical
               assistance is being sought.

               In the event that the affected person's injuries prevent them from reporting, a person acting on their behalf
               – the first informant (normally the Team Leader/Line Manger but out of hours or at a remote location the
               first RTIS employee on site aware of the accident) – should notify the company as above.

               4.7    Professional Head of Safety & Standards
               During the normal office working day the PHoSS is responsible for the telephone notification and
               production of written notification to the Health & Safety Executive as required under RIDDOR.

               The PHoSS is responsible for random sampling of investigation details, findings, recommendations,
               actions and reviews to ensure details are entered into the company accident database within defined time
               scales and that the quality of investigations and remedial actions are of an acceptable standard.

               The PHoSS is responsible for the production of company targets, performance and analysis of overall
               trends and causation for reporting to the Safety Meetings.

               S:\Resource Management\On-Call\On-Call  Folder 5.6.18\9. AccidentIncident Near Miss Reporting & Investigation\SP002 Accident Incident Near Miss Reporting & Investigation
               Issue 05 25-07-2017.doc
               Uncontrolled copy once printed from its electronic source                       Page 2 of 6
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