Page 2 - White Paper- Wage and Hour Laws
P. 2

Both Massachusetts and federal law have many rules about the payment of

               wages, which are strictly enforced.  These include: (i) state and federal minimum

               wage laws; (ii) state and federal overtime laws; and (iii) Massachusetts laws

               requiring timely payment of wages.  It is important to note that if an employer does

               not follow these rules, liability is strict (meaning the employer is liable even if the

               nonpayment was an innocent or clerical mistake that is not corrected), and the

               employer can be responsible for multiple damages and for paying the employee’s

               legal fees.  Many of these statutes also specifically allow an employee to bring an

               action on behalf of himself and on behalf of others (essentially a class action


               Minimum Wage

                       In Massachusetts, the minimum wage is higher than the federal wage, and

               employers in Massachusetts are required to pay the higher amount. The

               Massachusetts hourly minimum for most workers was raised to $10.00 in 2016,

               and increased again to $11.00 on January 1, 2017.

 slnlaw LLC
                    46 South Main Street  Sharon MA 02067     781-784-2322
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