Page 2 - Rules of the Road-Non Compete Agreements
P. 2

Many employers require employees, particularly key technical or sales

               employees, to sign agreements not to compete with the employer for a certain

               period of time after their employment ends (“non-compete” agreements or

               “restrictive covenants”).

                       In Massachusetts, courts will enforce non-compete agreements only if they

               are reasonable in time and geographic scope, supported by consideration, and only

               to the extent necessary to protect a legitimate business interest.  There is a lot

               packed into that sentence.

                       First, what is a “legitimate business interest” that can be protected through a

               non-compete agreement? This is one place where the words used by lawyers do not

               have the same meaning you might give them in everyday language.  For example,

               you might consider it perfectly legitimate to want to keep your competitors from

               employing someone you have invested a lot of time and money in training, but that

               is not enough, even though it has practical and very real consequences for your

               business.  In the eyes of the law, to rise to the level of a “legitimate business

               interest,” the harm you are trying to avoid must involve something more, such as

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