Page 6 - Rules of the Road-Non Compete Agreements
P. 6

Compensation problems: there is a basic principle of contract law that says a

               material breach by one party excuses performance by the other.  In other words,

               the first party to breach a contract may not be able to expect performance by the

               second of other promises.  Where this comes up in the context of non-competes is

               where an employer has not paid the employee all agreed wages or commissions.  In

               cases like that, some courts have found that because the employer materially

               breached the terms of employment, the employee was excused from complying

               with the non-compete provision.

                       For each of these scenarios, there are court decisions enforcing non-

               competes and declining to enforce non-competes, but it pays to be aware of these

               possible reasons for non-enforcement, even if the non-compete agreement

               otherwise meets the requirements for enforcement under Massachusetts law.

 slnlaw LLC
                    46 South Main Street  Sharon MA 02067     781-784-2322
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