Page 9 - State of the Region Report 2020
P. 9
State of the Lansing Region, 2020
Talent Migration
Talent migration is the measure of individuals with a
bachelor’s, graduate, or professional degree coming into
the region. Here, the Lansing area performs better than
on overall net migration. The region retained more highly
educated individuals than it lost in 2018 relative to popu-
lation size, out-performing eight peer regions. Top regional
employers and other regional attractions played a critical
role in attracting and retaining this demographic.
Gen Z Pop. Share
2 23.3%
Indicates approximate share of Ç Image courtesy of the Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce
Gen Z in the 2018 population
(those born between 1997 and 21.6%
Sources: Esri, Inc., Pew Center
Generational (Age)
In 2018, Lansing has the second highest share of Genera-
tion Z residents (those born between 1997 and 2012). This
figure is indicative of the number of workers just entering
or about to enter the workforce. Lansing’s share of Millen-
nial residents is similar to the rates of its peer regions, but
because the Lansing area has a smaller overall population
than most peer regions, the number of Millennial and Gen
Z residents is also smaller.
Lansing also has a relatively high share of Baby Boomers
(the population born between 1946 and 1964) at 23%.
These residents are at or nearing retirement age, and may
have additional time and disposable income to spend in
the community.