Page 17 - LRCC January 2025 FOCUS
P. 17


                                             Builder Aaron Hovestadt of
                                             Kalamazoo has been elected 2025
                                             President of the Home Builders
                                             Association of Michigan. The
                                             2025 slate of elected officers for
                                             the 5,000-member statewide
                                             association also includes: First Vice
        Finney            Roark              President: Karen J. Schroeder,
                                             Home Builders Association of
        specialist. As compliance officer,   Greater Lansing; Treasurer: Michael   Lansing Community College
        Finney ensures LAFCU’s policies and   Tucker, Home Builders Association    student Jayci Simon and her mixed
        procedures comply with relevant      of Northwest Michigan; Secretary:     doubles partner Miles Krajewski
        laws and regulations. She analyzes   Ben Templeton, Home Builders          won a silver medal in para-
        new and pending legislation,         Association of Southeast Michigan;    badminton at the Paris Paralympic
        recommends adjustments to            Associate Senior Officer: Michael     Games. The pair made history by
        existing practices, and coordinates   Tribble, Home Builders Association   earning Team USA’s first-ever para-
        with departments to implement        of the Great Lakes Bay Region         badminton medal. Simon is from
        necessary changes. Meanwhile,        and Immediate Past President:         St. Johns, Michigan, and studies
        as accounts payable specialist,      Jeff Grantham, Home Builders          exercise science and kinesiology at
        Roark will receive, process, and     Association of Northern Michigan.     Lansing Community College. The
        verify invoices, manage vendor                                             community college celebrated her
        relationships, and ensure timely     AWARDS                                in October with a victory parade
        payments by negotiating terms                                              and she signed autographs and
        and resolving disputes. She will                                           participated in a Q&A session. Since
        also handle administrative tasks                                           returning home, she has received
        within the accounting department,                                          numerous honors and most recently
        including posting accounting                                               served as the 2024 Grand Marshal of
        entries, processing mail, authorizing                                      the Electric Light Parade at Lansing’s
        payments, and assisting with                                               Silver Bells in the City.
        general ledger balancing and
        Visa statements.

                                             Umar Tahir, vice president of marketing,
                                             enterprise innovation, and digital assets
                                             at LAFCU, holds the Credit Union Times
                                             Luminaries Award during the ceremony in   LAFCU was named one of the
                                             Orlando, Fla.                         Best Credit Unions to Work For in
                                                                                   2024 by American Banker. This
                                             LAFCU was a finalist for the Credit   is the second time LAFCU has
                                             Union Times Luminaries Award          received the recognition, which
                                             in the Innovation in Tech – AI/       highlights credit unions that excel
                                             Cybersecurity/Mobile Banking          in workplace culture, employee
                                             category, recognizing the credit      satisfaction, and overall business
                                             union’s efforts to protect its        influence. LAFCU is among 30 credit
        Stunio is excited to welcome         operations and members from           unions nationwide recognized this
        Daniel Rials as director of sales,   cybercrime. LAFCU’s Shields Up!       year in the largest asset category,
        Amanda Hayhoe as chief operating     campaign educated and informed        which includes credit unions with
        officer, and Tim Kramer as senior    about 160 employees on the            more than $1 billion in assets.
        developer. Their expertise and       importance of safeguarding against
        passion for community-driven         cybercriminals and fraudsters.        Peak Performance Physical
        innovation will play a vital role as   The campaign’s effectiveness was    Therapy was recognized as the “Best
        the organization relaunches its app   demonstrated through quantitative    Physiotherapist and Rehab Clinic” in
        and continues connecting college     data from a post-series quiz in       Lansing by CommunityVotes Lansing
        students with local businesses to    which employees achieved an           2024. The annual CommunityVotes
        solve their employment needs.        average score of 93 percent.          Lansing program celebrates leading

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