Page 18 - LRCC January 2025 FOCUS
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businesses and organizations across new hires to training the board of
various sectors. Votes from the directors, Etchison ensures that all
local community determine the members of the LAFCU team are
award. Peak Performance Physical engaged in DEI learning. Kelli’s
Therapy provides a range of services, advocacy extends beyond her work
including sports injury rehabilitation, at LAFCU. She has volunteered
post-operative recovery, chronic with organizations including the Dr.
pain management, and specialized Martin Luther King Jr. Commission
orthopedic manual physical therapy. of Mid-Michigan and the YMCA
The business has five locations: of Metropolitan Lansing. She also
Lansing, Okemos, Dewitt, Mason, helped establish East Lansing’s
and Grand Rapids. Independent Police Oversight
Commission and serves on Michigan
Fraser Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s Black
Trebilcock Leadership Advisory Council. to navigate their grief following the
attorney Douglas death of a loved one. By making
Austin has been this donation, PFCU Credit Union
named the reaffirms its commitment to
Best Lawyers in community support and the well-
America 2025 being of young individuals facing
Real Estate difficult emotional challenges. u
Law “Lawyer
of the Year” in
Lansing. Only
one attorney in each practice area
in each community is identified
as “Lawyer of the Year.” Austin has
more than 45 years of real estate Publicom, Inc. won five national
law experience. In addition to being awards in the 21st Annual Service
a shareholder at Fraser Trebilcock, Industry Advertising Awards
he is the past chair of the firm’s competition, with three entries
Real Estate Law department. The receiving Gold Award distinctions.
Best Lawyers designation is based The recognized clients and projects,
on peer-review surveys. Austin has along with their SIAA categories and
been listed for over 25 years; this is award distinctions, are Aging with
his second time being selected as Dignity – Publication – Five Wishes
a “Lawyer of the Year” for Real Estate Guide- Finishing Life Faithfully (Gold
Law in Lansing. Award); Liberty Source – Magazine
Advertising- Single – Defense
Kelli Ellsworth Ad- Better AI Results (Gold Award);
Etchison, Liberty Source – Logo/Letterhead
LAFCU’s chief Design – DataInFormation Logo
marketing (Gold Award); Smile America
officer and chief Partners – Special Video-More than SHARE YOUR
diversity officer, 2 minutes– My Why- Why I Live the
has been named Smile Way (Merit Award) and Smile COMPANY
to COLOR America Partners – Direct Mail– DDS
Magazine’s Recruitment (Merit Award). The SIAA NEWS
Top Chief competition recognizes advertising
Ellsworth Etchison
Diversity Officers excellence in the service industry. LRCC members can
POWERLIST. This special edition submit a press release and
recognizes exceptional leaders COMPANY NEWS
shaping the future of diversity, photo about new hires,
equity, and inclusion across the PFCU Credit Union donated $600 promotions, company
country. Etchison’s contributions at to Ele’s Place Capital Region’s recognitions or awards
LAFCU include implementing DEI Children’s Grief Awareness at
strategies that prioritize education Month campaign. Ele’s Place is a contactus and we will share
and bias-free practices, and leading nonprofit organization dedicated to it in our popular Members on
the formation of an employee-led providing a safe and compassionate the Move section.
DEI committee. From onboarding environment for children and teens
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