Page 33 - LRCC August FOCUS 2023
P. 33                                                                MEMBERS ON THE MOVE

        making it easier than ever to use                                          May 12, 2023, marked 15 years
        an innovative and simple new                                               of business for Netvantage
        online tool that outlines how much                                         Marketing, a search engine
        consumers are estimated to pay                                             optimization and paid search
        for common procedures, such as                                             management consulting company
        lab and imaging tests. The Price                                           headquartered in East Lansing.
        Transparency Report, analyzing                                             Netvantage was founded in 2008
        more than 5,300 hospitals                                                  by Managing Partners Joe Ford
        nationwide, gave Sparrow the                                               and Adam Henige. The company
        highest score possible.                                                    grew from a single location in East
                                                                                   Lansing to a second office in Grand
                          Origami            Origami Rehabilitation is pleased     Rapids in 2012. They later opened a
                          Rehabilitation     to recognize Emilie Brzak, MS,        Denver office in 2018. They attribute
                          is pleased         OTRL, CBIS, occupational therapist,   their success and the ability to
                          to recognize       for recently completing a Principles   expand the company to its sole
                          Monica Novak,      of Manual Medicine Course through     focus on search engine marketing.
                          MOT, OTRL,         Michigan State University.
                          DRS, CDI,                                                                 Origami
                          CBIS, CDP,         Sparrow Eaton Hospital’s chief                         Rehabilitation
                          occupational       nursing officer has been certified as                  would like
                          therapist, for     a Rural Hospital CNO, signifying her                   to recognize
                          completing         special knowledge of issues related                    Colette
        the following courses: ADHD and      to rural health. Tiffany Friar, DNP,                   Brzezinski, MS,
        Anxiety: Driving, OT Roles for       MBA, RN, is one of four healthcare                     OTRL, CBIS, for
        Driving, and Unlocking the Benefits   professionals in Michigan to complete                 her dedication
        of Autonomous Vehicles.              the Michigan Center for Rural Health                   to continued
                                             program during this section.          Brzezinski       education and


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