Page 34 - LRCC August FOCUS 2023
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sharing her knowledge with others. two recent of Bond Counsel. So specializes
Brzezinski recently completed presentations in municipal finance, where he
a PESI Stroke Rehabilitation titled has served as bond counsel or
Certification course. In addition, “Understanding underwriter’s counsel on a wide
she taught the following courses the Brain: Injuries variety of bond issues.
at Western Michigan University: and Helpful
Adult Intervention and Outcomes Strategies” COMPANY NEWS
(Cognition and Vocation) and Older and “Inspire
Adult Intervention and Outcomes Attention: An Congratulations
(Physical Rehab Post Stroke). Toivonen-Traux Interdisciplinary to Brittany
Approach.” Parks Process
Congratulations to Ngage Consulting on
Management Association Director, Origami the exciting
Scott Herceg, MSML, CAE, who Rehabilitation partnership
recently received a Master of Science would like with Interactive
in Management and Leadership to recognize Training
degree from Purdue University Global, Tammy Hannah, Systems. This
part of the Purdue University System. president & Parks collaboration is
CEO, for sharing a testament to
517 Business and Life, which is her expertise BPPC's company's reputation for
produced and published monthly in a recent excellence and innovation. With the
by M3 Group, recently earned a gold Hannah presentation at combined expertise and resources,
Hermes Creative Award in the print the 501 Alliance’s BPPC has no doubts that their
media/publications category for the Member Annual Meeting on talent clients will benefit greatly from the
magazine’s December 2022 issue. acquisition. enhanced training solutions.
The honor comes on the heels of a
2002 platinum MarCom Award that BOARDS OF DIRECTORS/ Sparrow’s partnership with
517 Magazine won earlier this year EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE University of Michigan Health is
for print media publications. bringing expanded plastic surgery
First National care to Mid-Michigan, including an
PEOPLE NEWS Bank of innovative breast reconstruction
Michigan procedure that spares muscle and
appointed allows for a quicker recovery. The
Rachel Michaud DIEP flap surgery is one example of
to its Board the leading-edge procedures that
of Directors will be offered at the new Sparrow
effective June 16, practice that are not available
2023. Michaud, anywhere else in the region.
52, is the vice
president of Michigan Flyer passengers are now
Gillespie Group headquartered in able to reserve a Hytch-branded
Lansing. Her responsibilities include minivan to connect with their
Yasuoka Burdette-Comer
oversight of all day-to-day business bus at the East Lansing Marriott,
Origami Rehabilitation would operations of Gillespie Group, all right from—or to—the door of
like to recognize Mika Yasuoka, leases, overall asset management their home, workplace, or another
MA, LLPC, CBIS, mental health and equity services. location in the Hytch service area.
supervisor, and Rachel Burdette-
Comer, LLMSW, MA, clinical social Kester So, a McLaren Now+Clinic at Walgreens
worker, for sharing their expertise member in the recognizes the importance of
in a recent presentation titled Lansing office ensuring patients have access
“Crisis Intervention and Verbal De- of Dickinson to the medications they need,
Escalation.” Wright, was even when away from home. At
recently McLaren Now+Clinic at Walgreens,
Origami Rehabilitation is pleased appointed chair patients can receive short-term
to recognize April Toivonen-Traux, of the Member refills for stable chronic conditions.
MA, CCC-SLP, CBIS, speech- Selection McLaren Now+Clinic is located
language pathologist for sharing So Committee of the in the Lansing Walgreens at 410
her knowledge and expertise in American College E Jolly Rd, Lansing, MI 48910
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