Page 17 - LRCC April 2022 Focus
P. 17

MSU Broad College of Business Minskoff Pavilion. Credit: Broad College of Business | Michigan State University

        Professor Melnyk says his biggest concern is whether    As painful as they have been, the supply chain disruptions
        American industry will take the needed action to adjust   of the past two years have heightened awareness of
        to fundamental supply chain challenges. He cites small-   the critical importance that the linked supply chain
        to medium-sized manufacturers as a major concern —      network and all its various components play in our lives
        companies with 500 employees or fewer.                  and our increasingly connected global economy. It also
                                                                underscores the enormous opportunities that exist for
        “These companies we don’t pay as much attention to, but   economic growth for businesses that support that global
        in many cases, they are critical to the growth of the U.S.   supply chain.
        economy,” said Professor Melnyk. “They provide between
        42 and 47 percent of employment. They also provide a lot of
        innovation.”                                            GREATER LANSING BECOMING A SUPPLY CHAIN HUB
                                                                The Greater Lansing region has quietly been growing
        During the pandemic, manufacturers have been plagued    its footprint in the supply chain arena. According to the
        with extended delivery times, particularly with freight   Lansing Economic Area Partnership, the supply chain
        coming from overseas. Numerous challenges in the        sector contributes $427 million to the local economy.
        trucking industry, including a shortage of drivers, have   Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce (LRCC) president
        slowed deliveries, and a general labor shortage is taking a   and CEO Tim Daman contends the region is perfectly
        huge toll across the board.                             situated for substantial growth in the supply chain area
                                                                because of our central location and infrastructure.
        Cindy Kangas, executive director of the
        Capital Area Manufacturers Council,                    “We have the freeway system
        notes that many manufacturers are                       connecting us to Canada and Mexico,
        working to shift their supplier base                    a viable airport and rail line moving
        to include more local manufacturers                     through the airport for moving goods,”
        instead of going overseas.                              said Daman. “The infrastructure is in
                                                                place to support growth.”
        “I feel that the manufacturers that
        are excelling right now are the ones                    Delta Township has grown into the
        that are diversifying and changing   Kangas             regional hub for the supply chain
        it up a bit,” said Kangas. “The ones                    sector. The township is home to one   Daman
        that are staying strong are the ones that have very strong   General Motors (GM) assembly plant,
        relationships with their customers.”                    the recently announced GM battery plant, several GM parts

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