Page 20 - LRCC April 2022 Focus
P. 20

GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN: Connecting Greater Lansing to the World

        The Lansing region is only 90 minutes away from 90      is also a key differentiator and attractor for top
        percent of the state’s population. LAN’s central location   supply-chain management talent from diverse
        makes it a natural hub and an attractive area for businesses   professional backgrounds.
        to invest and grow.
                                                                Researchers in the supply chain management program
                                                                are involved in innovative projects that will help meet
                                                                some of the 21st century supply chain challenges. Among
                                                                those projects are ones that deal with social responsibility
                                                                auditing in supply chain networks, protecting supply chains
        The Greater Lansing region has the inside track towards   from illegal items, developments in trucking industry costs,
        accessing some of the brightest supply chain talent in the   and cyber security across the supply chain.
        world, thanks to the Michigan State University (MSU) Supply
        Chain Management program. MSU’s undergraduate and
        graduate supply chain programs have been consistently   OPPORTUNITIES FOR SUPPLY CHAIN GROWTH
        ranked as the best in the country for several years.    Greater Lansing’s location, combined with our already
                                                                diverse economy and strong labor force, positions the
        MSU stands alone as the No. 1 supply chain/logistics    region well for future expansion in the supply chain
        graduate program in U.S. News &                                              sector. Cindy Kangas points to
        World Report’s rankings of Best                                              a potential growth opportunity
        Business Schools for 2022—the                                                that first emerged locally at
        program’s fifth consecutive year to                                          MSU, where the new STEM
        be ranked in the top spot. MSU first                                         building on campus was the first
        claimed the top spot in 2018 and                                             in Michigan to be built using
        hasn’t looked back, continuing to                                            mass timber. “Mass timber” is
        be the standard-bearer in supply                                             an umbrella term for a variety
        chain management education. The                                              of panelized, engineered wood
        Broad College of Business at MSU   "As painful as they have been, the supply   building materials such as large
        has a reputation as the nation’s    chain disruptions of the past two years   cross-laminated timber panels
        No. 1 destination for supply chain   have heightened awareness of the critical   and glue-laminated (glulam)
        management. For a milestone         importance that the linked supply chain   columns and beams with an array
        10th consecutive year, Broad has    network and all its various components   of structural and decorative uses
        held the No. 1 spot for supply chain   play in our lives and our increasingly   in buildings.
        management/logistics programs         connected global economy. It also
        in U.S. News & World Report’s 2021   underscores the enormous opportunities   Efforts are underway to have
        Best Undergraduate Business           that exist for economic growth for     legislation passed that could clear
        Program rankings.                     businesses that support that global    the way for construction of a mass
                                                        supply chain."
                                                                                     timber manufacturing facility
        MSU is the oldest integrated                                                 in Michigan. Kangas also notes
        supply chain school in the country. Professor Melnyk    the growth of numerous companies in the region in the
        says the integrated nature of the curriculum is a big part   biotech and medical technology sectors.
        of what makes MSU stand apart from other institutions.
        He also points to the strategic focus of the program as a   “We are curing cancer and fighting disease and doing
        big part of its success.                                all these amazing things right in our own backyard,”
                                                                said Kangas.
        “We’ve realized that supply chains cannot be discussed in
        the absence of the customer,” said Professor Melnyk. “We   “There are significant growth opportunities in the supply
        challenge our students to think about who is really the key   chain sector,” said Daman. “Our region is well-positioned
        customer. So, you look at the supply chain not through   to capture additional investment.”
        a cost or lean-based perspective, but through what the
        customer wants. Sometimes what you see is what the      The combination of our central location, superior
        customer wants is not only the lowest cost.”            transportation network, advanced manufacturing
                                                                sector, skilled and plentiful workforce, logistics-friendly
        Not only does this combination of real-world focused    infrastructure, and the expertise of MSU’s internationally
        research and industry-leading expertise continually     known supply chain management program serve as the
        place MSU in the upper echelon of supply chain          foundation for significant growth in the supply chain
        management programs, but the program’s top-ranking      sector of the economy. l

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