Page 25 - LRCC April 2022 Focus
P. 25                                                                MEMBERS ON THE MOVE

        NEW HIRES                            research and analysis of the energy   the credit union's products,
                                             and telecommunication sectors         services, and initiatives. Issawi
                          Noelle Duvall      and provide strategic counsel for     leads the information technology
                          has been hired     clients on energy policy and utility   department with responsibilities
                          as the director    regulation issues.                    that include administration, policy,
                          of mental health                                         staff supervision, local area network
                          & wellness                                               (LAN) functions, and compliance
                          at Ingham                                                with regulatory security guidelines.
                          Intermediate                                             Anderson works to guard the credit
                          School District.                                         union's systems and software against
                          In this newly                                            cybercrime, including hacking,
                          created position,                                        malware, ransomware, and insider
                          Duvall will                                              threats.
        supervise, provide support and
        guidance to mental health staff, and                                       Local EXIT Realty affiliated offices
        monitor grant funding for mental                                           are pleased to announce the
        health programming. Duvall will      Wright            Reilly              addition of the following individuals
        also coordinate, organize and direct                   Moonsail North      to their teams of dedicated real
        support to local districts seeking                     recently added      estate professionals: Teresa Madill
        mental health support services.                        three new team      and Dana Richardson have joined
                                                               members:            EXIT Great Lakes Realty located at
                          Michel                               marketing           115 W. Lawrence Avenue, Charlotte;
                          McDonald has                         strategist          Dana Miller, Sonia Mullaney, and
                          been hired as                        Amariah Wright      Michelle Hanes have joined EXIT
                          the director                         and students        Realty Select Partners located at
                          of transition &                      Shannon Reilly      414 S. Clinton St., Grand Ledge.
                          itinerant services                   and Jenna           These EXIT Realty offices are proud
                          at Ingham          Largent           Largent, who are    members of EXIT Realty Upper
                          Intermediate       completing fellowships as they also   Midwest's rapidly expanding
                          School District.   work toward receiving their graduate   network of independently owned
                          McDonald will      degrees at Michigan State University.  and operated brokerages.
                          be responsible
        for planning and implementing                                              AWARDS
        activities and requirements for
        special education transition services                                      Edge Partnerships, a marketing
        and programs within Ingham                                                 communications firm, recently
        ISD and its constituent districts.                                         won five national Education
        Additional responsibilities will                                           Digital Marketing (EDM) Awards,
        include planning, implementing,                                            recognizing the best educational
        evaluating, and improving                                                  websites, digital content, electronic
        designated special education                                               communications, mobile, and social
        support services and instructional   Weber             Issawi              media. The honored projects include
        programs for students with                                                 a branded content site for the
        disabilities.                                          LAFCU has           Michigan Department of Education,
                                                               welcomed three      winning a gold EDM award in the
                          Public Sector                        employees:          microsite category; the Michigan
                          Consultants,                         digital and         Cares campaign delivered through
                          an independent                       graphic designer    digital channels for Michigan Virtual,
                          public policy                        Britney Weber,      winning a gold EDM award in total
                          consulting                           IT manager          digital marketing program; an
                          firm focusing                        Ahmed Issawi,       informational blog post titled, "What
                          on research,                         and security        do homeschoolers like about online
                          evaluation, and    Anderson          engineer Kyle       programs?" for Michigan Virtual,
                          strategy, added                      Anderson.           winning a gold EDM award in the
                          Carmen Siciliano   Weber supports the LAFCU              blog category; an informational blog
                          to its energy      marketing department by               post titled, "Many notable people
        and environment team as a senior     providing visual concepts and         among homeschool success stories"
        consultant. Siciliano will conduct   images that help communicate          for Michigan Virtual, winning a

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