Page 29 - LRCC April 2022 Focus
P. 29                                                                MEMBERS ON THE MOVE

        requirements for special education   COMPANY NEWS                          are examined by clinical staff and
        compliance, results, and technical                                         each patient is evaluated for all
        assistance with Ingham ISD and       PFCU is excited to announce plans to   possible related conditions, such
        its constituent districts. Additional   open a branch in Perry. This addition   as diabetes, that could interfere
        responsibilities will include        aligns with the credit union's        with proper healing. The care team
        supporting local districts, public   history of servicing small rural      follows an evidence-based clinical
        school academies, ISD programs,      communities by providing leading-     analysis to determine why wounds
        and community agencies via a         edge banking technology with local,   are not healing, then develops
        collaborative consultation model.    personalized service. Renovations     individual treatment plans based
                                             are underway for the new location     on the most effective technologies
                          Cinnaire has       at 150 S. Main Street in Perry. The   available to provide maximum
                          announced the      credit union will occupy the open     healing and relief.
                          appointment        space in the building shared with
                          of Deborah         Central Pharmacy. There will be       The brightest minds in cancer
                          Toby to chief      an open floor plan and modern         care are coming together to work
                          human resources    amenities. This branch will be        side-by-side at the Karmanos
                          officer and        technology-driven, with interactive   Cancer Institute at McLaren
                          chief diversity    teller machines available inside and   Greater Lansing, opening doors
                          officer for the    offering extended hours of service    to new frontiers in cancer care and
                          organization.      through the drive-thru.               research. The new cancer center is
                          Deborah brings                                           a collaboration between McLaren
        more than 25 years of experience     The Association for Career &          Greater Lansing, and the Karmanos
        to the role, serving most recently   Technical Education recognizes        Cancer Institute, in partnership with
        as executive vice president, human   Career & Technical Education (CTE)    MSU Health Care. The partnership
        resources. She played a key role     Month every February. CTE programs    will help recruit top clinicians to
        in implementing best practices       prepare students for high-wage,       the region, provide outstanding
        to integrate Cinnaire's principles   high-demand career fields, such as    patient care, and access new life-
        of diversity, equity, and inclusion   information technology, healthcare,   changing therapies and treatments.
        across Cinnaire. Deborah has also    and advanced manufacturing, to        Karmanos Cancer Institute is
        successfully led the development of   name a few. Ingham Intermediate      headquartered in Detroit, with 15
        Cinnaire's talent acquisition process,   School District offers 19 CTE     locations throughout Michigan
        ensuring that prospective talent is   programs at the Wilson Talent        and northern Ohio. Karmanos is
        engaged in an equitable selection    Center (WTC) on their Mason           Michigan's largest cancer care and
        process that is competency-based     campus. These programs are            research network as part of McLaren.
        and accessible to people across all   available to high school juniors and   Caring for approximately 12,000 new
        dimensions of diversity.             seniors, and students spend half      patients annually and conducting
                                             of their school day at the WTC and    more than 800 cancer-specific
        BOARD OF DIRECTORS &                 the other half at their local district.   scientific investigation programs and
        EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE                  Students are earning high school      clinical trials, Karmanos is among
        UPDATES                              credit, free college credit, and state   the nation's best cancer centers
                                             and national industry certifications.   and is one of the 51 National Cancer
                          Peckham has        Students may also be eligible to      Institute-designated comprehensive
                          named a new        participate in the Capital Region     cancer centers in the United States.
                          director to its    Technical Early College, where they
                          board, Wendy       can earn up to 61 college credits     The Greater Lansing Sports
                          Hamilton, chief    towards a bachelor's degree at no     Authority (GLSA) is proud to
                          executive officer   cost to the student.                 announce that the region will
                          of TechSmith.                                            host multiple national-level events
                          TechSmith is the   Sparrow Clinton Hospital              from February 25 through April
                          market leader in   announces the opening of the          10. Collectively, mid-Michigan will
                          screen capture     Sparrow Clinton Wound Clinic,         welcome over 3,000 athletes from
                          and video editing   an outpatient facility offering      across the U.S., competing in judo,
        tools. Hamilton is a values-first leader   a comprehensive approach for    wrestling, archery, and bowling, all of
        committed to the practice of putting   patients with non-healing wounds.   whom will bring additional coaches,
        customers first. Before joining      The Sparrow Clinton Wound             officials, and spectators looking to fill
        TechSmith, Hamilton was the global   Clinic team features nurses and       hotels, restaurants, shops, and more.
        head of life sciences at Thomson     technicians with advanced training    Often the GLSA will work for years to
        Reuters.                             in wound care. Patients at the clinic   court events to the region. The team

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