Page 30 - LRCC April 2022 Focus
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MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                         FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  APRIL 2022

        builds extensive relationships with                                        he began a career in banking,
        hospitality partners, sports venues,                                       retiring from Comerica Bank,
        and local organizing committees to                                         where he served as vice president
        find the perfect mix of amenities a                                        of commercial lending. Sellers
        group may be seeking. The services                                         felt strongly that education was
        they provide are primarily free, but                                       the solution to many of society's
        the economic benefit of sports                                             problems.
        tourism to the local community is
        tangible. These five events alone are                                      Lansing Community College
        expected to generate a significant                                         held "Tech Forward: Women in
        economic impact for the Lansing                                            Trades" on March 18. The event
        region.                                                                    was designed to expose those who
                                             A new East Lansing quick-serve        self-identify as women to careers
        Highfields, Inc. and East Jackson    restaurant will offer fresh, healthy   that provide financial stability and
        Community Schools have partnered     smoothies and fruit bowls inspired    economic mobility. It also provided
        together to offer an after-school    by the summertime. Playa Bowls        opportunities to learn about career
        program, Reaching Higher, similar    plans to open at 225 E. Grand River   pathways that might not have been
        to those being offered at eight      Ave. in East Lansing, across from     previously accessible. The event
        other school sites through the       Michigan State University. Playa      featured keynote speaker Megan
        Michigan Department of Education     Bowls is a healthy alternative to     Doherty, president and CEO of F.D.
        21st Century Community Learning      fast-casual dining options. It offers   Hayes Electric. Megan is the fourth
        Center Grant Program. Students in    smoothies, fresh-pressed juices,      generation of the Hayes family to
        Reaching Higher have been shown      coffee, oatmeal, acai, pitaya, coconut,   own and operate the 98-year-old
        to improve their social skills, develop   green bowls, and more with a variety   family business.
        their interests and earn better      of toppings, all with no added sugar.
        grades. East Jackson Community       Playa Bowls' acai is imported directly
        Schools showed interest in offering   from Brazil to New Jersey, so the
        Reaching Higher to their students    company can ensure it is of the
        and contacted Highfields to initiate   highest quality. Amy Richter-Perkins,
        the program. The East Jackson        associate vice president with Colliers
        Reaching Higher Program started on   Lansing, represented landlord Fabian
        January 10, and the site operates at   Enterprises in leasing the space,
        their middle school and high school.   which was previously home to an off-
        The East Jackson administration      campus student housing company.
        determined that their greatest need
        was for Highfields to provide the                      The Lansing
        program to students in seventh                         Community
        through ninth grades.                                  College (LCC)       Lansing-based creative agency
                                                               Foundation          Michigan Creative is excited to
        Global sustainable energy producer                     recently received   announce its recent move to a
        EDL and key project stakeholders bp,                   a major gift        historic office building between
        Consumers Energy, and Granger                          from the estate     downtown Lansing and Old Town.
        Waste Services welcomed the                            of Richard A.       Michigan Creative purchased the
        start of operations at the Wood                        Sellers. Sellers    4,407 square-foot historic office
        Road Renewable Natural Gas           Sellers           passed away         space located at 1003 N. Washington
        (RNG) Facility. The landfill gas to                    in 2012 and         Ave. For the past ten years, Michigan
        RNG facility is the first of its kind   left an initial gift of $100,000 to   Creative has built a name for itself at
        in Lansing, Michigan. The RNG        support scholarships for students     their REO Town location at 1149 1/2
        produced at the Wood Road RNG        at LCC. This year, after the passing   S. Washington Avenue, above Blue
        facility will be added to Consumers   of his longtime partner, the         Owl. This new location celebrates the
        Energy's existing pipeline network   foundation received an additional     hard work and dedication that has
        for delivery to end-users. Bp will take   gift of $900,000 from Sellers' estate.   gone into cultivating a company like
        a portion to supply natural gas-     These generous gifts will support     Michigan Creative.
        powered vehicles across the United   scholarships in perpetuity as an
        States. The RNG will also be delivered   endowment with the foundation.    The Lansing Economic Area
        for residential, commercial, and     Sellers was a graduate of Lansing's   Partnership (LEAP), with support
        industrial use in North America.     Eastern High School. After receiving   from the PNC Foundation, has
                                             a degree in finance and accounting,   opened applications for Elevate, a

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