Page 27 - LRCC April 2022 Focus
P. 27                                                                MEMBERS ON THE MOVE

        the new chief of staff. Dr. Reich is   McLeod, M.D., MBA, FACS, FACE,      breast cancer patients. Sparrow is
        board certified and has practiced    has been elected to serve as chief of   mid-Michigan's leader in precision
        emergency medicine in Detroit,       staff-elect during Dr. Tucker's term.   medicine, in which cancer treatment
        Lansing, Ionia, and Charlotte.       Dr. McLeod joined the medical staff   is individualized based on the
        Sparrow Ionia also welcomes Zuhair   at Sparrow Hospital in 2009 when      patient's specific tumor instead of
        Abualrihy, M.D., as the new vice     he came to Lansing to revive the      using a one-size-fits-all approach.
        chief of staff. Dr. Abualrihy received   general surgery residency program.  Any patient who receives care at the
        his doctorate in Medicine from King                                        Sparrow Breast Cancer Clinic will be
        Faisal University in 2004.                                                 screened for participation.

                          Noted local OB/                                          PFCU has kicked off a year-long
                          GYN LaKeeya                                              celebration of its 75th year of
                          Tucker, D.O.,                                            operations. Initiated by Holley
                          has begun a                                              Carburetor plant employees in
                          two-year term as                                         Portland in 1947, PFCU's humble
                          chief of medical                                         beginning started when its
                          staff at Sparrow                                         employees pooled their resources
                          Hospital in                                              and applied as a credit union. When
                          Lansing. Dr.                                             the plant closed a few years later,
                          Tucker is                                                operations moved to the basement
                          Sparrow's first    The Sparrow Herbert-Herman            of PFCU's then manager, Arden
        Black chief of staff and will represent   Cancer Center is the only medical   McCrumb. PFCU offered only one
        and communicate the views of         center in Michigan and has            savings account and one loan
        medical staff members while          joined such national healthcare       product in the early years. They
        working with Sparrow leadership      heavyweights as the Mayo Clinic and   have since grown into a full-service
        to ensure quality, compassionate     Cleveland Clinic in participating in   credit union providing every type
        care for all patients. Michael Kent   the landmark I-SPY 2 clinical trial for   of financial service their members

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