Page 23 - LRCC April 2022 Focus
P. 23                                                                              ADVOCACY

        Meet Brian Daniels: Lansing Newest City Council Member

        By: Grace Sobeck, Kolt Communications, Inc.

              rian Daniels, a 35-year-old                       economic advancements and housing opportunities in a
              Lansing native, was appointed                     way that makes people want to raise their kids here.”
       Bto the vacant Ward 1 position on
        Feb. 1, which serves northeast Lansing.                “Let's allow for an evolution of our city,” said Daniels. “We
        Out of 11 candidates, Brian received                    have to be prepared for changes in the economy, for jobs
        five of seven votes from the Lansing                    in the future, changes in technology, and projects to be
        City Council.                                           done in our infrastructure." Brian is a passionate supporter
                                                                of cleaning up parks, protecting natural resources, building
        Daniels is a U.S. Army veteran and                      development, urban farming and community cohesion; to
        founder of emPOWer Lansing, a local   Daniels           do this, Brian says we have to talk to each other.
        boxing gym. “The military gave me a
        strong sense of duty and the urge to continue to serve,” said   Communication is key to Daniels. He believes that
        Daniels. His experience running his gym has also taught   coexistence starts with a conversation. Brian yearns for
        him the power of encouragement.                         a connected Lansing. Daniels introduced the idea of
                                                                respectful tolerance.
        “emPOWer is a unique place,” says Daniels, “It brings
        people’s walls down and welcomes everybody from        “You can exist outside of this divided space, and respect one
        different walks of life to just open up and coexist."   another,” said Daniels.

        In his role on the Lansing City Council, Brian feels it's   “You may not agree with someone, but you will treat one
        necessary to communicate. “You have to be able to talk to   another as humans, with respect and you are going to talk
        everybody,” he says, “regardless of their background.”  to one another like adults – that will carry us forward.”

        Lansing is in store for change with Daniels in office.   Brian has a challenge for us all in the Lansing community. “If
        “My position is about maintaining and improving the     you say you love Lansing, show me.”
        foundation that this country was built on,” said Daniels. “The
        city is really ready to evolve and catch up with the rest of the   Daniels will serve until the end of 2022 and plans on
        country. I want to bring opportunities and development like   running to fill the vacant position in 2023. l

                                        110th Annual Dinner

                                        THURSDAY, JUNE 16 • 5:30-7:30PM
                                        EAGLE EYE BANQUET CENTER
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