Page 17 - LRCC May 2021 Focus
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        Michigan State University and Lansing Community

        College Form Partnership to Improve Access to Higher

        Education, Strengthen Transfer Process

               ichigan State University (MSU) and Lansing                                    The  Envision  Green  memorandum of understanding
               Community College (LCC) have formalized a                                     specifies a one-year partnership with an option for
               partnership that improves access to a four-year                               renewal, and states both parties’ intention to continue
        Mdegree, increases student success and helps build                                   to grow the relationship. Both institutions want to make
        a pipeline of talent to meet the needs of the mid-Michigan                           it easier to plan an academic path from one institution
        economy.                                                                             to the other.

        The partnership, called Envision Green, provides a                                   “I always wanted to go to MSU, that was my dream
        seamless transition from LCC to MSU by embedding                                     school,” said Sarah Day, a junior at MSU majoring in
        MSU  advisors  within  LCC  to  guide  students  through                             special education who transferred from LCC. “LCC
        their educational journey — a transition more than 5,500                             was an amazing option for my situation coming out
        LCC students have made over the last decade.  With                                   of high school, which put me in a better financial
        this partnership in place, prospective LCC students can                              situation. I know this program will benefit many
        consider MSU from the start of their higher education                                students who are a bit lost and not fully aware of all
        journey.  The affordability of the LCC-to-MSU path                                   the options that exist.  This will fill in a lot of gaps for
        means a four-year-degree is an option for more people                                those students.”
        in the region — crucial for building and retaining an
        educated workforce in Michigan.                                                      As part of the relationship outlined in the MOU, the
                                                                           institutions will:
        “This formalizes something that has existed informally for years,” said Mark Largant,
        MSU associate provost of undergraduate education and dean of undergraduate   •   Provide two MSU academic advisors one day a week on LCC’s downtown
        studies. “By formalizing it, we are creating a more equitable and transparent space   campus;
        for our students.”                                                •   Communicate MSU transfer credit changes and MSU transfer credit
                                                                               process changes to MSU advisors at LCC and LCC employees;
        “By being more intentional about the pathway is really important first for the equity   •   Work individually with LCC students to facilitate a smooth transition
        reasons,” said Steve Robinson, president, LCC. “Folks have been transferring from   from LCC to MSU before transferring to MSU.
        LCC to MSU for a long time. “By being intentional, more students will benefit.”
                                                                           The partnership’s benefits extend beyond campus, as well. In an era when
        It is estimated that community colleges are the entry point for close to half of   post-secondary credentials are in increasing demand, broader access to higher
        America’s post-secondary students, making this partnership a win-win for students,   education ensures the mid-Michigan region is an attractive prospect for
        the institutions, and the local community.                         startups and businesses looking to expand. n

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