Page 22 - LRCC May 2021 Focus
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New Hires Awards Dairy Farmers of America, Select Milk Producers,
and Glanbia Nutritionals, which owns 50 percent of
Angelica Mendoza, an emergency department the venture. MWC understands the importance of
technician at McLaren Greater Lansing, has been creating relationships with existing manufacturing
recognized as one of the Lansing Latino Health employers and residents.
Alliance’s 2020 Outstanding Hispanic/Latino
Caregivers. This award is given annually to a caregiver Mary Free Bed at Sparrow Inpatient Rehabilitation
who has made a significant difference a patient’s has been honored for the third year for patient
life, exceeded expectations in carrying out his or her satisfaction. Sparrow Carson, Clinton, and Eaton
responsibilities, and demonstrated professionalism in community hospitals received the recognition from
the workplace. A co-worker nominated Mendoza for Professional Research Consultants (PRC), Inc. The
exemplifying excellence in those areas. PRC Excellence in Healthcare Awards are nationally
recognized honors presented to organizations and
The Lansing Community College student newspaper, individuals who have achieved excellence in patient
The Lookout earned 13 awards, including Newspaper satisfaction scores in the prior year.
of the Year, in the 2020 Michigan Press Association
Better Newspaper Contest. The announcement came Bergmann of Lansing has earned a national
on March 25 during a virtual press conference via recognition award for exemplary engineering
Zoom. The Lookout was among 20 newspapers that achievement in the American Council of Engineering
Dr. Jayson Field, an ABOG-certified gynecologic competed in the college MPA competition, with 746 Companies’ 54th annual Engineering Excellence
oncologist, has recently joined Michigan total entries presented. Competing in Division 3 of Awards for the Allen Creek Berm Opening Project in
State University Health Care and Karmanos the competition, for newspapers published less than Ann Arbor, Mich. For years, a railroad berm parallel
Cancer Institute at McLaren Greater Lansing, weekly, The Lookout competed against several two- to the Huron River caused frequent flooding north of
bringing care close to home for people who are year colleges, including Washtenaw Community downtown Ann Arbor and blocked access to riverside
battling gynecological cancer. There are several College, Henry Ford Community College, trails. As part of an $8 million improvement project,
forms of gynecological cancer, including cervical, Schoolcraft College, Monroe County Community Bergmann worked with the city and railroad to
ovarian, uterine, vaginal, vulvar, fallopian tube, College, and Grand Rapids Community College. design a new berm opening that would address both
and gestational trophoblastic disease. problems yet safeguard rail operations. A new 14-foot-
State leaders celebrated capital area leadership in wide pedestrian underpass and bridge connects to the
The Capital Area Manu- talent development through community partnerships trail, while twin 12-foot-wide box culverts convey
facturing Council is pleased at the first-ever virtual Michigan Works! Association stormwater to the Huron River. Bergmann provides
to announce the appointment Impact Awards. Local lawmakers and statewide talent architectural, engineering, and planning services
of Cindy Kangas as the new development officials gathered virtually on March 31 across the U.S. and Canada.
executive director. Cindy is a to recognize MWC and Capital Area Michigan
lifelong Lansing area resident Works! for promoting the importance of community Distinctions
with an extensive non- partnerships and involvement through initiatives to
profit background. Kangas’ benefit residents and the overall community. MWC is Two Michigan State University Federal Credit
hiring comes as the council a large-scale cheese and whey protein manufacturing Union (MSUFCU) employees were selected for
implements a plan of strategic growth. facility in St. Johns. As a new joint venture between Filene Research Institute’s i3 program, joining more
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