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        than 260 credit union industry innovators. Among   Promotions                            Company News
        those selected include  Ami Iceman-Haueter,
        MSUFCU assistant vice president of research and   MSUFCU has named six employees to      Martin Commercial Properties, a leading privately-
        digital experience, and  Ben Maxim,  MSUFCU   management positions:  Nick Grecu – member   owned real estate services and development company
        assistant vice president of digital strategy and   solutions  and  recovery  manager;  Mae Holmes   has  facilitated the  sale of  a restaurant building  at
        innovation. i3 is a two-year innovation leadership   – specialty accounts manager;  Katie Knop –   1861 S. Scott St. in St. Johns, Mich. The seller of
        program equipping top credit union professionals   manager of the Holt branch;  Kara Maxey –   the property is Mercantile Bank of Michigan. The
        with the mindset, tools, and network to lead and   manager of the Farm Lane branch; Nicole Reid   purchaser is  Keith Koneval,  a Mid-Michigan
        shape the credit union of the 21st Century. The   – assistant manager of the Downtown/Sparrow   entrepreneur. The free-standing family restaurant was
        program’s applied learning model puts ‘impact’ at   branch and Rose Spencer – assistant manager of   initially built in 1990 for Dairy Queen and is well-
        the center  to maximize results at  the individual,   the Marsh branch.                  positioned in the St. Johns commercial corridor near
        organizational, and community levels.                                                    the N.E. corner of Old US-27 and E.  Townsend
                                                                                 C   A   S  E    Road. Martin Commercial Properties represented
        President and CEO  Van W. Martin of  Martin                              Credit Union    the seller in the transaction, with the sale facilitated
        Commercial Properties is among a select group                             r ecentl y     by Thomas Jamieson, senior associate, office advisor.
        of highly-credentialed real estate  professionals                         announced
        identifying current concerns shaping the                                  t    w    o
        commercial real estate industry. For 2020-2021,                           promotions
        Covid-19 tops the list, with unprecedented effects                        within
        rippling throughout the remaining issues. Each   Singleton  Whitaker      its    team.
        year, the Counselors of Real Estate® reports on                           R ac ha el
        the Top Ten Issues Affecting Real Estate®. The   Singleton was named executive vice president
        group foresees that 2021 will continue to test the   and Robert Whitaker is the new vice president
        resilience of industry professionals as they face   of lending. In her new role, Singleton will oversee
        what they describe as “the greatest environmental   branch operations, the contact center, resolutions,   From left, Lucy and Piper Westrin, DeWitt, are among the youth who will
                                                                                                 provide readings for LAFCU’s “March Magic” Listen & Learn event, on
        experience of our real estate lives.” The landscape   compliance and marketing.  Whitaker’s new   March 24.
        will be challenging,” said Martin.  “However,   position will allow him to manage consumer,
        real estate professionals who can adjust to the   mortgage and business lending.         LAFCU recently partnered with DeWitt District
        demands and requirements of the  “next normal”                                           Library to present  “March Magic,” one of the
        will succeed.                                Board of Directors & Executive              Michigan credit union’s Listen & Learn events that
                                                     Committee Updates                           encourages reading through fun, interesting, and
                       A driven, talented visionary                                              informative ways. It was directed to children up to
                       with  unwavering  optimism.                               Ele’s   Place   age 12. This interactive event included a magic show,
                       That’s how  Dr.  Rachel Young,                            Ca pit al       a flute performance, and a story time, all presented by
                       D.O.,   McLaren    Greater                                Region     is   Lansing’s tri-county area residents.
                       Lansing   Family  Medicine                                 pleased   to
                       Clinical Director and Associate                           announce the
                       Program Director was described                            appointment
                       in her nomination for the                                 of       new
                       New Osteopathic Physician of   Beck         Goss           co mm unit y
        the  Year Award from the American College of                              board member
        Osteopathic Family Physicians (ACOFP). At just   Kurt Beck from Plante & Moran, PLLC. Kurt
        34 years old, Dr. Young’s accomplishments live up   is stepping in to fill the position of  Michelle
        to her last name. After being in private practice for   Goss, who served Ele’s Place for six years. The
        five years, she became the youngest president of   organization is grateful for Michelle’s amazing
        the Michigan Association of Osteopathic Family   service and looks forward to  their continued
        Physicians (MAOFP), serving in the role from   relationship with Plante & Moran, PLLC through
        2018-2019 after being honored as the Family   Kurt. Kurt and the community board are working   MSUFCU, its board of directors, management,
        Medicine Resident of the Year by the MAOFP.   with staff to celebrate the 30th anniversary of   and community members celebrated a virtual grand
                                                     Ele’s Place. For details on activities, please visit:   opening  of  the  Credit  Union’s  branch  at  6051
        Downtown Lansing, Inc. is proud to announce                 Sashabaw Road in Clarkston, Mich., on March 6.
        two beloved downtown businesses were selected to                                         The  20-person  team  at  the  Sashabaw  location  has
        receive highly competitive Match on Main grant   Peckham has named a new director to its board,   been busy since the branch opened in December
        funds from the Michigan Economic Development   Monique C. Field Foster, senior counsel at   2020, opening new accounts and loans while saving
        Corporation (MEDC). Impression 5 Science     Warner  Norcross  + Judd,  one  of  Michigan’s   members money.
        Center  and  Summit Comics & Games were      largest and most successful law firms. An
        awarded  over $37,000  combined, to  support   experienced lobbyist and policy analyst, Foster   At the Lansing Economic Area Partnership (LEAP),
        projects that include an online store for Impression   has nearly 20 years of experience in government   they recognize that the most prosperous communities
        5’s gift shop, and support for the expansion of   affairs. She concentrates her practice on all facets   are those that are most inclusive and willing to
        Summit Comics & Games. The MEDC Match        of government affairs, including policy strategy   provide pathways to fulfillment for all people. As
        on Main program strives to provide grants aimed   and development, analysis and drafting of   the regional economic development organization for
        at supporting small local businesses to create   legislation, legislative events, state procurement,   Clinton, Eaton, and Ingham counties, LEAP takes
        resiliency and strengthen downtowns.         and other advocacy initiatives.             charge  to  advance  economic  prosperity  equitably

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