Page 10 - LRCC December 2023 FOCUS
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MEMBER NEWS                                                           FOCUS MAGAZINE  | DECEMBER 2023


        Named America’s

        Top Small

        Business by the

        U.S. Chamber of

        PRESTIGIOUS                                                                                                    Elderly Instruments

             lderly Instruments has been recognized as         “The rest of the country is finding out what we already
             America’s Top Small Business at the U.S. Chamber   know - Elderly Instruments is one of the best,” said Lansing
       Eof Commerce Small Business Summit in                    Mayor Andy Schor. “I am thrilled that this Lansing small
        October. This prestigious recognition highlights Elderly   business is being recognized by the U.S. Chamber of
        Instruments’ outstanding contribution to the world of   Commerce. After 51 years in Lansing, Elderly Instruments
        music and their unwavering commitment to fostering      continues to be a leader in our community and an
        diversity and inclusion within                                                 excellent example of a small
        the music industry.                                                            business making a big difference
                                                                                       in the City of Lansing.”
        In 1972, Stan Werbin and Sharon
        McInturff had a vision to create                                               Their commitment to diversity
        a space where the joy of music                                                 and inclusion goes beyond
        would be accessible to everyone.                                               music. As company president,
        Their dream materialized as                                                    Lillian has actively championed
        Elderly Instruments, a store                                                   diversity and inclusion in the
        where music lovers from                                                        music scene. The business
        all walks of life could come                                                   supports national and local
        together, play, and purchase                                                   initiatives that uplift the voices of
        affordable, quality-fretted                                                    LGBTQ+ individuals and people
        instruments and accessories.                                                   of color within the bluegrass
        Over the past fifty-one years,                                                 genre. Their unwavering
        Elderly Instruments has evolved                                                commitment to musicians of all
        into more than just a store;                                                   backgrounds has cemented their
        it has become a haven for                                                      reputation as a Lansing mainstay
        instrument enthusiasts, offering                                               and a beacon of musical diversity
        everything from brand-new                                                      and inclusion.
        guitars to vintage mandolins and more.
                                                               “The Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce is
        Last year, the torch was passed to Lillian Werbin, Stan   immensely proud to see Elderly Instruments take home
        Werbin’s daughter. Under Lillian’s leadership, Elderly   this honor at U.S. Chamber of Commerce Small Business
        Instruments continues to thrive with the same dedication   Summit,” said Tim Daman, President & CEO of the LRCC.
        and passion as her father. With nearly 40 full-time    “Elderly Instruments embodies the spirit of our vibrant and
        employees and a firm place in the heart of Lansing’s    diverse community. Their dedication to making music
        community, the store has proven its resilience through   accessible to everyone and their commitment to diversity
        generational transitions.                               and inclusion in the music industry is truly remarkable.” l

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