Page 12 - LRCC December 2023 FOCUS
P. 12


        Lansing Regional Chamber of

        Commerce Endorsed Candidates in
        Lansing & East Lansing Notch Election

        Night Victories

        Carter             Lopez-Pehlivanoglu  Kost            Hussain

               ll four of the candidates
               endorsed by the Lansing
        ARegional Chamber of
        Commerce Political Action
        Committee (LRC-PAC) 2023 races for
        Lansing City Council were elected to
        office on Tuesday, November 7.

        Those candidates include:
                                             Ebersole Singh    Meadows                A Leadership
          •  Tamera Carter, At-Large
          •  Trini Lopez-Pehlivanoglu,                                                  Book with a
            At-Large                         on matters that voters have clearly
          •  Ryan Kost, 1st Ward             identified as top priorities, such as   TWIS T
          •  Adam Hussain, 3rd Ward          public safety, infrastructure, jobs,
                                             and housing."
        "Voters in Lansing have
        made their voices heard                        LRC-PAC also endorsed
        by electing these                                Kerry Ebersole Singh
        individuals to the City                            and Mark Meadows
        Council, at a time                                  who were elected
        when our city faces                                  to the East Lansing
        both significant        L A N S I N G   R E G I O N A L   C H A M B E R   |   P O L I T I C A L   A C T I O N   C O M M I T T E E   |  City Council on
        challenges and             LRC                       in November.
        opportunity,"                                        The LRC-PAC
        remarked Steve               PAC                     emphasized the
        Japinga, senior vice                                vital importance of
        president of public                               electing city council
        affairs at the Lansing                           members willing to work
        Regional Chamber of                           with a spirit of collaboration
        Commerce. "There's a lot of              and to seek innovative solutions
        important work ahead of us, and      to the challenges facing the city.    Author: Ross Woodstock
        it's crucial that we remain focused                                             Executive Coach and
        on working together to advance       “Both Kerry and Mark’s leadership         Leadership Consultant
        initiatives that will revitalize     skills will be an asset to East Lansing,     Available on Amazon
        and rebuild our city. We eagerly     and we look forward to working with
        anticipate collaborating with the    them and the entire city council in
        Mayor and Lansing City Council       the months ahead,” said Japinga. l

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