Page 2 - LRCC FOCUS September 2021
P. 2


                  2021 Board of Directors

                             Board Chair
                      Wendy Hamilton / TechSmith
                              Past Chair
                   Patrick Dean / Dean Transportation
                              Chair Elect
                        Mike Zamiara / Niowave
                            Legal Counsel
              Patricia Scott / Foster, Swift, Collins & Smith, P.C.
                         Andy Rose / Rehmann
           Tim Daman / Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce
                        Division Directors
                Marketing and          Member Services
               Communications       Michelle Massey / Dewpoint
             Lisa O’Connor / Publicom
                                       Regional Initiatives
             Government Relations    Kirk Ray / McLaren Greater
           Matt Resch / Resch Strategies    Lansing                               WASTE SERVICES

                             At Large

            Tina Brumley / Auto-Owners    Jeff Metts /
                  Insurance            Dowding Industries
            April Clobes / MSU Federal   Ken Misiewicz /
                 Credit Union         Pleune Service Company
            Jim Farrell / Dart Container  Steve Quinlan / Neogen
            Roger Graff / Farm Bureau   Joe Ruth / Sparrow
                 Insurance Co.          Lisa Ellen Smith /
                Glenn Granger /         Inverve Marketing
              Granger Construction       Todd Surline /
                Keith Granger /          Hiring Solutions                           JOIN THE
             Granger Waste Services    Dr. Kathleen Wilbur /                 LEADERSHIP CIRCLE
           David Lewis / AT&T Michigan  Michigan State University  Leadership Circle investors are proven business and
                Darci Marcum /        Kevin Zielke / AF Group
                General Motors         David Zyble / Jackson     community leaders. We value their commitment and
               Van Martin / Martin    National Life Insurance     applaud their efforts to strengthen our region with
              Commercial Properties                               their leadership and appreciate the important role
                                                                       they play in advancing our organization.
                       Board Partnerships

                  LEAP, Inc.          Black Business Alliance
             Bob Trezise / LEAP, Inc.   of Greater Lansing
                                      Dr. Alane Laws-Barker /
                  Lansing 5:01                                           Stay Connected. Stay Social.
             Steve Hershfield / CBRE        Sparrow
                                     Greater Lansing Hispanic
                 ATHENA WIN           Chamber of Commerce           
             Jenn Sturdy / PNC Bank
                                    Chaz Carillo / David Chapman
                                        Insurance Agency            

                              FOCUS                                           Lansing Regional Chamber
                                                                              of Commerce
                    Editor                  Design
                Ashley Sandborn          Tandem Studios                       @LansingRegionalChamber
                 Feature Writer         Cover Photography
                Ross Woodstock            John Pompei                         Lansing Regional Chamber
                                                                              of Commerce

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