Page 6 - LRCC FOCUS September 2021
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MEMBERSHIP UPDATES                                                    FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  SEPTEMBER 2021

        Thank You Renewing Members

        Abood Law Firm                                          Lake Trust Credit Union
        Aerotek, Inc.                                           Lisa Fisher Associates
        American Board of Emergency Medicine                    Meat Southern BBQ Carnivore Cuisine
        Armond Dalton Publishers, Inc.                          Michigan Dental Association
        Arnouts Insurance Agency, Inc.                          Modern Woodmen Fraternal Financial
        Art Craft Display, Inc.                                 Moore Trosper Construction Co.
        Baker Drivetrain                                        Ngage Management
        Braman Services                                         The Plant Professionals, Inc.
        Capital Prime Steaks & Seafood                          Redemption Cannabis
        Cedar River Insurance Agency                            Ritter Painting Contractors, LLC
        Child and Family Charities                              Sportsman’s Warehouse
        Clark Schaefer Hackett                                  TRHC
        Coontz Law Firm                                         Willingham & Coté Law Firm
        Crunch Fitness                                          Willows at East Lansing
        Dykema Gossett                                          Window World
        Eastwood Towne Center                                   Windsor Charter Township
        First National Bank of America                          Zeedia Media
        Haddads Agency - Farm Bureau Insurance
        Henderson Glass
        ITC Holdings Corporation

                Restart Business.

                Retain Talent.

                You may be struggling to get back to business
                and reengage your employees. Work Share can help!
                ·  Provides employees partial unemployment bene ts
                   while earning partial wages.

                ·   Enables a business to retain trained employees and
                   avoid the expense of recruiting.
                ·  Allows you to gradually restart your business as

                   restrictions are relaxed.

                Apply today at

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