Page 8 - LRCC FOCUS September 2021
P. 8
Counselors of Real
Estate Identify
Top 10 Issues in the
Wake of Covid-19
Remote Work, Mobility,
and Technology
Acceleration Top
the List
he Counselors of Real Estate®, member, which is a highly regarded of the professional organization
a leading international organization that annually identifies reside in 20 countries and U.S.
Tconsortium of commercial current and arising issues expected territories, with chapters across the
real estate professionals, project that to impact real estate. He remarked U.S., Canada, and Europe. Real estate
parallel forces of social and cultural that while the landscape is still practitioners holding the prestigious
change and political divides will volatile and emerging from the credential are recognized for their
test the resolve of the industry to pandemic, professionals who can expertise, experience, and ethics in
achieve a sense of normalcy post- tolerate uncertainty and adapt to providing advice that influences real
pandemic, alongside the more social and cultural changes will estate decisions. l
“familiar” challenges of the economy, succeed. He added that the next few
technology, and infrastructure. In years would be the most challenging
June, the Counselors of Real Estate for the industry and encouraged
released their annual list of the Top professionals to hold on tight while
Ten Issues Affecting Real Estate. the world gets back on a more
predictable track.
For 2021-22, remote work and
mobility were No. 1, followed by “Our future will be a hybrid of remote
accelerated technology upgrades in work and returning to a traditional
connectivity, security, and hosting. office,” said Martin. “Flexibility will be
Third on the list are environmental, the key for companies as they create
social, and governance initiatives warm and welcoming spaces for
that create long-term value for their staff to feel safe and secure. The
shareholders and communities. balance is to be determined, and time
will tell what the right mix will be.”
President and CEO Van W. Martin From financial security
of Martin Commercial Properties Martin is one of just 1,100 designated to a helping hand, the
is a Counselors of Real Estate Counselors of Real Estate. Members EXPERIENCE
The 2021-22 Top 10 1. Remote Work 7. Political
and Mobility
Find a local agent who can
Issues Affecting Real 2. Technology 8. Economic protect what matters to you.
Estate Identified by Acceleration Structural
and Innovation
CRE Membership 3. ESG 9. Adaptive Reuse
4. Logistics 10. Bifurcation of
To see the complete list or to 5. Infrastructure: Capital Markets
learn more about the role and New Imperatives
initiatives of the Counselors of 6. Housing Supply
Real Estate, visit: and Affordability