Page 13 - LRCC FOCUS September 2021
Nicole Noll-Williams is meeting and sporting event planners and all types of
the president and CEO of travelers seeking to experience the diverse opportunities our
the Capital Region Airport community offers. Julie leads the team at the GLCVB toward
Authority. Previously, she spent the vision of inspiring our visitors and community partners to
almost three years as the mid- love Greater Lansing as much as we do. She serves on many
Michigan regional director for local community boards and is a graduate of Alma College.
U.S. Senator Gary C. Peters and
over 25 years in the aviation Carrie Rosingana is the CEO for
industry with experience in air Capital Area Michigan Works!, a
service development, airline workforce development agency
management, and contract responsible for managing multi-
Noll-Williams management. She was the million dollar federal and state
director of marketing and passenger development for grant programs within Clinton,
the Capital Region International Authority, responsible Eaton, and Ingham counties.
for the development, marketing, advertising, and public She has worked in workforce
relations efforts for the Capital Region International development since 2007. Carrie
Airport and Mason Jewett Airport. Her efforts were vital started her career as a career
in developing direct service to Washington D.C. and coach and case manager within
international markets, including Cancun and Puerto Rosingana the Capital Area Michigan Works!
Vallarta, Mexico, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, and system before joining the Capital Area Michigan Works!
Montego Bay, Jamaica. administrative team as their quality assurance officer. Carrie
was promoted to the chief compliance officer role and then
Julie Pingston, CDME, CMP, CTA, served as the chief operating officer and equal opportunity
is the president and CEO for the officer for five years before becoming CEO in July 2020. l
Greater Lansing Convention &
Visitors Bureau (GLCVB). She has
been with the organization for 28 Executive Welcome Program
years and became CEO in March
2020. The mission of the GLCVB SPONSOR: Delta Dental of Michigan
is to promote the Lansing region DATE: Wednesday, Sept. 8
as a travel destination to impact TIME: 8 to 9:30 a.m.
the area’s economy. Our region
typically welcomes over 5.3 million LOCATION: MSU Federal Credit Union Headquarters
Pingston visitors annually, generating over Community Room, 3777 West Road, East Lansing
$682 million to the local economy. The GLCVB promotes
Downtown Grub Crawl
Set for Oct. 7
he Lansing Regional Chamber’s Grub Crawl,
presented by the Lansing Board of Water
T& Light, is back and taking over downtown
Grub Crawl 2021 Lansing on Oct. 7 from 5 to 8 p.m.! Downtown
THURSDAY, OCT. 7 • 5-8PM Lansing restaurants will be serving up great grub
Register at and drink specials. This celebration of food and
drink is an excellent opportunity to support our
local community and grow awareness of the
restaurants in the Greater Lansing area. Use this
event to get together with friends, enjoy a night out
or provide a bonding opportunity for your corporate
team. Grab your tickets today!
The George F. Eyde
To register, visit: l