Page 12 - LRCC FOCUS September 2021
P. 12
LRCC to Recognize Six New Female Leaders at
Executive Welcome Program
he Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce Helen began her career as an oncology nurse in
(LRCC) will recognize six female leaders who Marquette, Mich. Subsequently, she led the development
Tare new to their positions since the start of the of a Hospice program, launched dozens of telemedicine
Covid-19 pandemic during an Executive Welcome sites, and assisted in integrating a standalone
program. Sponsored by Delta Dental, the event will take community hospital into a $5-billion health system. She
place on Wednesday, Sept. 8 from 8 to 9:30 a.m., at the now leads Sparrow Health System’s newest affiliate
MSU Federal Credit Union Headquarters Community hospital, which has net annual revenue of $60 million, a
Room, located at 3777 West Road, East Lansing. workforce of 450 caregivers, and rich 80-year history. She
has received numerous accolades, most notably the 2018
The Executive Welcome is the first in-person opportunity Healthcare Leadership Award from the Michigan Health
to welcome and congratulate several important regional & Hospital Association. She has achieved Fellow status in
leaders who accepted their positions at various stages the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE)
of the Covid-19 pandemic. Leaders being recognized and is active in the organization’s Great Lakes Chapter.
include Helen Johnson (Sparrow Eaton Hospital), Cindy
Kangas (Capital Area Manufacturing Council), Michelle Cindy Kangas is executive
Lantz (Greater Lansing Food Bank), Julie Pingston director of the Capital Area
(Greater Lansing Convention & Visitors Bureau), Carrie Manufacturing Council (CAMC).
Rosingana (Capital Area Michigan Works!) and Nicole Cindy brings a wide range of
Noll-Williams (Capital Region Airport Authority). This experience in development,
is the first time the LRCC Executive Welcome has marketing, and community
recognized women leaders exclusively. relations to the position.
Cindy previously worked as
“We are particularly excited to recognize these leaders director of development for
who represent the unprecedented growth in the Ele’s Place. She also served
number of outstanding women leaders in our region,” as director of development
said Tim Daman, president and CEO, LRCC. “This Kangas and community relations for
particular group of leaders is particularly deserving of the Capital Area Humane Society. She also served as
recognition in light of the circumstances under which community coordinator for Fox 47 WSYM-TV. A key near-
they assumed their new position during a global term priority for Cindy at CAMC will be to reach out to
pandemic. We are very proud of the work they are doing community stakeholders and explore partnerships that
in their organizations and our region.” can help bring more awareness to the challenges and
opportunities manufacturers face while operating here in
The Executive Welcome will include remarks from all the capital region.
the leaders being recognized and allow LRCC members
to meet each leader and network with other people in Michelle Lantz, APR is the
the business community. For more information and CEO of the Greater Lansing
registration, visit Food Bank, a seven-county food
distribution hub for 150 agencies
AT THE LRCC EXECUTIVE WELCOME: 110 community gardens. In 2020,
the GLFB provided 7.75 million
Helen Johnson, RN, MSN, NEA- meals to neighbors in need.
BC, FACHE, is the president of Lantz previously held the position
Sparrow Eaton Hospital. She of senior vice president of donor
joined Sparrow in January 2021 and public relations at Capital
with over 30 years of progressive Lantz Area United Way and led its
leadership experience, having fundraising and marketing efforts two separate times in
served in key roles at Spectrum her career. Before owning a public relations consultancy
Health Ludington Hospital, for 12 years, she was the director of communications
including chief nursing officer, for the LRCC. Michelle holds an accreditation in public
chief operating officer, and twice relations from the Public Relations Society of America
as interim president. (PRSA) and served as the chair of numerous national,
Johnson regional, and local PRSA committees during her career.