Page 14 - LRCC FOCUS September 2021
P. 14
Deadline for Leadership Lansing Applications is Sept. 17
he deadline to apply for this year’s “Leadership Lansing continues to be
Leadership Lansing cohort is Sept. an excellent program for our team
T17. This year’s cohort will run from to connect with the community
October to May, with one meeting each while enhancing their leadership
month, except for December. skills, said April Clobes, president and
CEO, MSU Federal Credit Union. “All
Leadership Lansing is an eight-month of our graduates have expressed
program in which participants engage their appreciation for their increased
in seven workshops where they are knowledge of the region, an enhanced
exposed to key institutions, industry sectors, and business network of peers, and insights gained from other leaders
leaders that are the fabric of the Greater Lansing region. in the area.”
This past session focused on government, education,
manufacturing, insurance, health care, homegrown IDEAL CANDIDATES
businesses and entrepreneurism, cultural gems in
the region, and Lansing history. Participants also Leadership Lansing seeks established and emerging
receive training in individual leadership skills, including leaders who can make a positive impact in the
understanding how to identify and leverage their community. Candidates should have demonstrated
strengths. In the past six years, 227 outstanding leaders past community commitment or a strong desire to
have completed the Leadership Lansing program. become involved. Leadership Lansing seeks a diverse
representation or organizations from across the
“TechSmith is proud to have been able to be a part of several community, including professionals from financial
Leadership Lansing cohorts. Year after year, the course services, education, manufacturing, healthcare, the arts,
has proved to be an outstanding opportunity for our team government, and other sectors. As Leadership Lansing
members to focus on personal development in addition to aims to include leaders who reflect Lansing’s diverse
exploring opportunities to grow perspectives on leadership, cultures and residents, minority and women leaders are
teamwork, innovation, and collaboration,” said Wendy strongly encouraged to apply.
Hamilton, CEO, TechSmith. “We have seen immense value
not just from the collective program, but also from each PROGRAM COST
meeting that our TechSmithies have attended. Engaging
and educational tours of manufacturing plants (and Tuition for Leadership Lansing is $2,200 and includes
otherwise closed to public businesses) and face time with all workshops, materials, and meals. Applications for
business, political, and community leaders have also made this year’s Leadership Lansing cohort are available at
this unique experience a vital investment for our company lansingregionalchamberofcommerce.growthzoneapp.
and the Lansing community.” com/ap/Form/Fill/r4egjsQp l
C O M M U N I TI E S 517.702.0470
1305 S. Washington Ave., Ste. 102, Lansing, MI 48910