Page 18 - LRCC FOCUS September 2021
P. 18

DOWNTOWN LANSING AT A CROSSROADS ................................................

        Brian Calley has a unique perspective on the role in state   expenses. Downtown Lansing, Inc. is also working hand
        government, serving in both the state legislature and eight   in hand with property owners in finding the right type of
        years as Lt. Governor of Michigan. He now serves as CEO of   sustainable businesses to fill their properties.
        the Small Business Association of Michigan, headquartered
        in downtown Lansing. Calley feels larger employers,     Business leaders are unanimous in their belief that
        especially the state should engage with community leaders   downtown Lansing must intentionally develop
        in how they make decisions and how                                      strategies to diversify the economic
        they are being felt. According to Calley, a                             base, so it is not dependent on
        good starting point would be to develop                                 Monday-Friday office workers.
        alternative use for sites that are leased
        by the State of Michigan.              There is hope among             “The City of Lansing has to become a

                                               local leaders that the           destination. There is a whole vibrant
        “The state has decided to downsize its                                  community outside of state government,”
        footprint, which is not surprising,” said   recent setbacks that        said Lorri Rishar, CEO, Edge Partnerships,
        Calley. These are not decisions born out   have hit downtown            which is headquartered downtown.
        of economic calamity like during the last                              “People love downtown and want more
        recession when the state was forced to   Lansing will                   music, art, and activity that bring
        make some tough decisions. In this case,   provide a window             people downtown and accommodate
        the state is choosing and there needs                                   the residents who are living in the new
        to be some discussion about the rate   of opportunity                   residential spaces downtown.”
        at which that change happens, and the   to create a new
        rate at which these properties could be   game plan. This              The Eyde Company has developed
        potentially converted.”                                                 several projects downtown, including the
                                               plan that includes               Knapp’s building converted to mixed-
        THE NEAR-TERM FUTURE                   more people, more                use (residential, office and retail), and
                                                                                the former Oliver Towers building, now
        Edgerly notes that businesses that     businesses, and                  called Capitol View, which features 96
        became nimble and shifted gears        workers and a                    apartments. Mark Clouse, chief financial
        quickly to meet the needs of their                                      officer and general counsel, Eyde
        customers have been successful         downtown space                   Company, says downtown needs a mix
        in marketing to the residential        filled with vibrancy             of office, residential and retail. He also
        community. Programming and             and entertainment                encourages outside-the-box thinking. For
        promotional campaigns that                                              example, Eyde is working on a project to
        emphasized lifting local businesses    options that are                 bring more storage.
        have kept many people in business.     sustained seven days
        Now that things have stabilized, local                                 “There is a need for storage downtown.
        leaders are working on plans to move   a week.                          Many downtowns have that. We do not,”
        downtown away from relying solely on                                    said Clouse. “Not the kind of storage
        daytime workers for their core business.                                you see a bunch of rolled-up doors, but
        Among those efforts are identifying funds and prioritizing   rather where you take a building and use the elevator
        a need for rehabbing large office buildings that may never   systems into storage.”
        be used entirely as office space any longer.
                                                                THE FOUNDATION IS STRONG
        “We’re focusing on how we fill those vacancies and how we
        purposefully work on diversifying our downtown business   The region has strategically taken steps that offer
        mix while providing the small business support that we’ve   encouragement for the future of downtown Lansing. The
        provided for the last year-plus,” said Edgerly. “We have to   increase of restaurants and entertainment options is
        move downtown forward, which takes digging in deep      making downtown Lansing a highly desirable place to live,
        with our stakeholders, partners, and local leaders, working   crediting to the notion that some vacant office space could
        together to layout actionable plans that will lead to the   be converted to more housing. More people downtown
        long-term success and strength of our downtown business   would lead to more retail options and help transition the
        district and neighborhoods.”                            area into a seven-day-a-week destination.

        Among strategies being explored are developing a fund   Among other key developments have been the arrival
        for interior rehab for smaller scale property owners, a micro   of a downtown grocery store, Capital City Market, which
        market concept to provide a launching point for businesses   increases pedestrian traffic seven days a week. The opening
        wanting to locate downtown and creation of a small      of a new hotel, Courtyard by Marriott, on the same 600
        business support fund to build a graduated level of support   block as Meijer, is a strong development for the region’s
        to help businesses with rent, mortgages, and capital    key tourism industry. The opening of the Heritage Hall, an

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