Page 22 - LRCC FOCUS September 2021
P. 22
Four Business Leaders Join LRCC Ambassador Committee
he Lansing Regional exploring ways to work together to make our region
Chamber of Commerce stronger and more vibrant.
T(LRCC) is pleased to
announce that four new business REV. DEMPHNA KRIKORIAN, M.DIV. is the senior director
leaders have been asked to join of development at Child and Family Charities, located in
its Ambassador Committee. This Lansing, Mich. She attended Cal State Fullerton for her B.A.
supports the return of in-person and Fuller Seminary for her M.Div. Rev. Krikorian is thrilled
events and a full slate of LRCC to be a part of the LRCC because it provides people in the
events and programming in community a chance to meet, network and strengthen
the fall. its members both the business and the social aspects
Argersinger of our society. Notable not only for her work in nonprofit
The Ambassador Committee development but also for 20+ years of service to the faith
comprises business and community as an ordained United Methodist clergy and
community leaders who dedicate her work with disenfranchised adults, at-risk youth, and
their time and efforts to advance children’s outreach programs. Demphna’s strongest
the LRCC’s mission of helping points are her integrity, connection to the community,
businesses connect, grow, and desire to help others, and willingness to go where she is
thrive. Through their volunteer most needed. Demphna is a single mom with two grown
efforts, they engage with current children and two rescue pups. Rev. Krikorian is a part of
and prospective members and the Lansing Kiwanis, Sierra Club, ACLU, Okemos BNI and
help them find value in the tools, now is thrilled to have been invited to join the LRCC as an
resources, and relationships ambassador.
available to them through a Curran-Schultz
Chamber investment. COLLEEN CURRAN-SCHULTZ hails from metro Detroit
but has been a Lansing area resident ever since attending
Ambassadors are a critical MSU and falling in love with all Lansing offers. She
extension of the LRCC team currently works as the local sales manager for Effectv, a
and are proud to offer this vital division of Comcast Advertising. Working with her team,
service to the membership. she focuses on marketing and advertising strategies
Please welcome these new LRCC for local businesses leveraging data-driven audience-
Ambassadors: targeted campaigns that drive measurable results for her
clients. She has spent 14 years in Lansing working with
CARMEN ARGERSINGER works local businesses to help reach their growth goals. Being
every day to build healthy, smart, Krikorian an ambassador for the LRCC excites her because she can
vibrant communities as manager continue to extend her passion for local business and help
of strategic partnerships for Delta strengthen LRCC member connections to one another.
Dental of Michigan, Ohio, and Outside of Effectv and the LRCC, Colleen is a volunteer
Indiana. She leads the company’s board member for the Old Town Commercial Association
corporate responsibility program, and runs Every Last Crumb Bakery from her home
including charitable giving, kitchen, supporting corporate events and meetings. She
employee volunteerism, and currently resides in Dewitt with her husband and nine-
nonprofit relationships. She is month-old daughter.
a proactive community partner,
connecting with organizations to LAWALT JOHNSON is a Lansing native working for
positively impact throughout Delta Johnson the Lansing Board of Water and Light (LBWL) as the
Dental’s tri-state footprint. supervisor of network security and infrastructure
operations. His role includes cyber security, NERC-CIP
Before joining Delta Dental, Carmen worked with the compliance, mentoring, process development and
Muscular Dystrophy Association and the Boys & Girls lifecycles. Lawalt graduated from Davenport with an M.S.
Clubs of Lansing, Mich., gaining expertise in nonprofit in information assurance and has always been eager to
management. She has a bachelor’s degree from Saginaw grow as a person. Coaching, hunting, and fishing are also
Valley State University. things that he enjoys when he can. He is truly excited to
see what he can learn about how business impacts to the
As a LRCC Ambassador, Carmen is most looking forward City of Lansing and how we can grow Lansing into the city
to connecting with new people in our community and that he knows it can be. l