Page 10 - LRCC FOCUS September 2021
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#LOVELANSING                                                          FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  SEPTEMBER 2021

        Greater Lansing

        Welcomes Men’s

        Pro Tennis

        Tournament Back
        to Michigan

                                                                                  “As we saw in 2019, The Joe D.
                                                                                   Pentecost Foundation Capital
                                                                                   City Tennis Classic will draw first-
                                                                                   class athletes for a week of first-
                                                                                   rate competition,” said Mike Price,
                                                                                   executive director for the GLSA.
                                                                                  “In addition to watching the
                                                                                   competition, locals can get
                                                                                   involved by attending youth clinics,
                                                                                   hosting International players
                                                                                   and participating in volunteer
                                                                                   opportunities. This event has proven
                                                                                   to be a win for the entire region.
                                                                                   We’re excited to welcome them back.”
              he Greater Lansing Sports      tournament director. “The mission
              Authority and the Mid-         of the Foundation is to support and   East Lansing native, former top-
        TMichigan Tennis Association         enrich the educational, social, and   three player in the world, and
        are excited to announce plans to host   economic life of the greater Lansing,   current CEO of the International
        the Joe D. Pentecost Foundation      Michigan area, which makes them      Tennis Hall of Fame Todd Martin
        Capital City Tennis Classic in Greater   the perfect fit for us. We want to   shares the planner’s enthusiasm
        Lansing this fall. The event was the   impact our host city positively. And   about the event. “I’m very pleased
        first men’s professional-level tennis   the region is ideal for many reasons.   to know that these key local parties
        tournament to be held in Michigan    Not only is Lansing growing, but      have committed to hosting an ITF
        when it originated in 2019. Organizers   the greater Lansing area has four   Transition Tour event. The transition
        took a hiatus in 2020 due to Covid-19   racquet clubs that train some of the   from amateur to professional
        but are enthusiastic about the events   top junior players in Michigan and   tennis is a massive challenge and
        return in November 2021.             the Midwest. And of course, East      only navigated successfully by few,”
                                             Lansing is the home of men’s and      said Martin. “What is happening in
        The event is sanctioned by the       women’s division 1 collegiate tennis   November is an important step on
        International Tennis Federation      at MSU,” said Cross. “Our central     the developmental ladder that all
        (ITF) and is expected to draw 74     location makes us an accessible       great players have to take.”
        participants and 16 teams from 19    destination for anyone in the state.
        countries worldwide. Those players   Bringing a professional-level tennis   The event is scheduled for Nov. 14-21
        will compete for $15,000 in prize    tournament to Lansing adds to         at the MSU Tennis Center in East
        money.                               the great tennis culture we already   Lansing. To track updated news and
                                             have. Hopefully, the event inspires   information about the event, visit:
        “We’re thrilled to partner with the   our junior players and brings players
        Joe D. Pentecost Foundation as       in from surrounding cities to see all   For more information about the
        the title sponsor,” said Cody Cross,   that Lansing has to offer.”         GLSA, visit l
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