Page 28 - LRCC FOCUS September 2021
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MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                   FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  SEPTEMBER 2021

        NEW HIRES                                              Carrie Feher        Tucker-Fett, a Sparrow nurse since
                                                               joins Triterra, an   2012, helped the patient’s family, who
                          Resch                                environmental       only spoke Spanish, secure overnight
                          Strategies, a                        consulting firm,    lodging and transportation from a
                          statewide public                     as an accounting    nearby hotel.
                          relations and                        specialist. Her
                          public affairs                       work focuses                          The 2019 and
                          firm, announced                      on invoice                            2020 Grand
                          the addition of                      processing                            Ledge Chamber
                          Anna Heaton to     Feher             and managing                          of Commerce
                          their lineup of                      financial                             ATHENA
                          public relations   transactions, and maintaining vendor                    Leadership
                          professionals,     invoices and internal entries within                    Award
        welcoming the former gubernatorial   the accounting system. Feher also                       recipients were
        press secretary as vice president of   assists with accounts receivable and                  surprised with
        the 12-year-old firm. Having served as   preparing reports.                                  an additional
        press secretary for Gov. Rick Snyder                                                         commemorative
        until the end of his term in office,   EXIT Realty Select Partners is                        gift during
        Heaton also worked for the House     pleased to announce that Kelly                          special
        Majority Caucus from 2011-2015 and   Powers and Shannon Rasmussen          presentations in July. LAFCU
        on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.   have joined its growing team         sponsors the award that celebrates
        before that role.                    of dedicated real estate sales        women leaders and presented each
                                             professionals. EXIT Realty Select     winner with an ATHENA Leadership
                          LAFCU has          Partners, located at 414 S. Clinton St.,   Award pendant. The 2019 recipient
                          named Zac          Grand Ledge, is a proud member of     is Bethany Augustine, owner
                          Williams a         EXIT Realty Upper Midwest’s rapidly   of Flour Child Bakery. The 2020
                          data analyst in    expanding network of independently    recipient is Pam Redman, owner of
                          the marketing      owned and operated brokerages         Pam’s Pantry.
                          department.        across the region.
                          Williams analyzes
                          and provides       AWARDS
                          data on which
                          the credit         Loomis, Ewert, Parsley, Davis and
                          union bases        Gotting is happy to announce that
        strategic decisions affecting        the Best Lawyers in America has
        product development, on-             recognized the following Loomis
        target communication, and goal       attorneys in their practice areas for
        achievement in his new position.     2022: James F. Anderton V, Jeffrey
                                             L. Green, Paula K. Manis, Mikhail
                          The Capital        Murshak, James R. Neal, Michael G.
                          Region Airport     Olivia, Michael H. Rhodes, Kevin J.
                          Authority          Roragen and Jeffrey S. Theur.
                          Katherine                                                McLaren Greater Lansing nurse
                          Japinga as its                                           Troy Broka was honored with the
                          new marketing                                            DAISY Award for Extraordinary
                          director,                                                Nurses. The award is part of the
                          overseeing                                               DAISY Foundation’s program to
                          marketing                                                recognize the exceptional care nurses
        activities for the Capital Region                                          provide daily. Broka demonstrated
        International Airport, Mason                                               understanding and compassion for
        Jewett Airport, and Port Lansing.    Sparrow Hospital nurse Jamie          a patient in need of pain relief. Broka
        She comes to the CRAA from the       Tucker-Fett, RN, has been honored     was rewarded by hospital leadership
        Michigan State Senate, where she     with the prestigious DAISY Award for   and co-workers and received a
        served as deputy communications      the extraordinary care she provided   certificate commending him for
        director of the Senate Majority      to a patient and his family who flew   being an “Extraordinary Nurse,” as
        communications office.               in from Mexico to be by his side.     well as a sculpture called “A Healer’s
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