Page 29 - LRCC FOCUS September 2021
P. 29                                                                MEMBERS ON THE MOVE

        Touch,” hand-carved by artists of the   A. Heller for Best Investment      United States for the 10th year by
        Shona Tribe in Africa.               Newsletter. Heller was the co-winner   Accounting Today Magazine. Siena is
                                             this year, earning the award for the   included in the “100 Million Plus Club”
        CASE Credit Union announced          best coin dealer publication for the   classification on the list.
        its 2021 scholarship program         fifth time in the past six years.
        recipients, providing $24,000 in                                           According to a new ranking from
        financial support to regional high   DISTINCTIONS                          Forbes Magazine, Consumers Energy
        school and Lansing Community                                               is one of the top 20 best employers
        College students. The credit union                                         for women in the country and No. 1 in
        also unveiled the addition of a new                                        Michigan. Consumers Energy ranked
        scholarship and a new internship                                           No. 1 in the utility sector and were
        program in partnership with the                                            No. 19 overall in the annual Forbes
        college. The new annual scholarship,                                       ranking. The magazine collaborated
        the Director’s Award, is presented to                                      with market research firm Statista,
        one high school student planning to                                        surveying 50,000 Americans, including
        attend college in the fall. The $1,000   The Engineering News-Record       30,000 women, working for businesses
        inaugural award was presented to     (ENR), a news outlet known as the     that employ more than 1,000 workers.
        Alicea Heady of Everett High School,   authority for tracking the construction   Representation at the executive and
        who will be attending Michigan       industry, has placed The Christman    board levels were considered, as were
        State University. The credit union   Company (Christman) at No. 92         initiatives to improve gender equity.
        also introduced The William Brewer   on its 2021 “ENR 400” list of the top
        II Executive Leadership Program,     400 contractors nationally. Overall                    Niowave
        Financial Services Internship, in    rankings were calculated according                     Radioisotope
        honor of Brewer’s service as board   to 2020 construction revenue. Based                    R&D Specialist,
        chair of CASE Credit Union since 1991.   in Lansing, Christman also landed at               Dr. Alex Bakken
        This internship will allow Lansing   No. 77 on the 2021 ENR list of Top 100                 was recently
        Community College students to        Contractors by New Contracts.                          elected to the
        meet with and shadow executives                                                             board of the
        and experienced CASE Credit Union    Accounting Today’s Top 150 Firms                       Academic,
        team members, giving them real-life   once again recognized Siena                           Industrial,
        exposure to the business world.      Investments, with offices in Grand    Bakken           and Research
                                             Ledge and Williamston. This is the                     Radiation
        In the Annual Awards ceremony        2021 Wealth Magnets ranking of the    Safety Section of the Health Physics
        video posted Aug. 6, the Numismatic   leading CPA financial planners. Siena   Society. This organization promotes
        Literary Guild once again            has been included on the list of Top   and guides radiation safety within
        honored Liberty Coin Service’s       150 CPA Wealth Advisory Firms by      academia and commercial sectors
        Communications Officer, Patrick      Assets Under Management in the        throughout the United States.

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             We’re NAI Mid-Michigan. Your best choice for commercial
             real estate.


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