Page 4 - LRCC November 2020 FOCUS
P. 4


        AARP                              Kelley Cawthorne
        Alro Steel Corporation            Kellie’s Consignments             CHAMBER MILESTONES
        American Board of Emergency       Kincaid Building Group, Inc.
          Medicine                                                          We’d like to offer a special salute to these great organizations who reached
                                          Kunz, Leigh & Associates
        The American Legion Auxiliary     La-Z-Boy Furniture Gallery        milestone anniversaries as Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce
          Department of Michigan                                            (LRCC) members this month. Thank you for your continued support
                                          Lansing Housing Commission        throughout the years!
        American Red Cross-Mid
          Michigan Chapter                Mark Spagnuolo
        Ascend Physical Therapy and       Martin Waymire                       Adams Outdoor Advertising          DC Engineering, PC
                                                                                        60 Years
                                                                                                                       15 Years
          Rehab                           Meridian Charter Township
        Baryames Cleaners                 MetroNet                           Granger Construction Company       Michigan Federation for
        Bethany Christian Services of     Opportunity Resource Fund                     60 Years                 Children and Families
                                                                                                                       15 Years
          Michigan                                                              Lebuda-Totte-Bray Agency
                                          Outdoor Expressions Landscaping
        Capital Insurance Services, Corp.   LLC                                         40 Years                      Created2c
        Cardinal Staffing                 The Peabody Group                   Capital Area District Library -           5 Years
        Century 21 Looking Glass, Inc.    Piper & Gold Public Relations             Administration                Greenlee Consulting
        Chase                             Playmakers                                    20 Years                        5 Years
        City of St. Johns                 Pleune Service Company            LRCC  members  have  unparalleled  access  to  company  and  staff  profiles  on
        Clark Construction Company, Inc.  Product Resource Company          the LRCC website. To access and update this information at any point, visit
                                                                   and enter your username and password. If you have not yet
        Country Stitches                  Public Sector Consultants         logged onto the site, please follow the simple password reset instructions. Call
        Delta Dental of Michigan          Purity Cylinder Gases, Inc.       (517) 487-6340 with any questions.
        DeWitt Charter Township           Recruitment Management
        Diversified National Title Agency   Consultants, LLC
        DK Security & Investigations      Securian Financial Advisors of the
                                            Great Lakes                     WELCOME NEW MEMBERS
        Doty Agency, Inc.
        Douglas Steel Fabricating
          Corporation                     Siena Accounting                  AEROTEK, INC.        JUNK IN THE TRUNK    MIOTECH
        Duckett Brothers Distributing     Siena Investments                 2501 N. Coolidge Road,   13070 Wacousta Road,   ORTHOPEDIC GROUP
                                                                                                 Grand Ledge, MI
                                                                            Suite 203
        Elieff Brothers Roofing &         Siena Investments Williamston     East Lansing, MI 48823   Grand Ledge, MI 48837   2373 Cedar Park Drive
                                                                                                                      Holt, MI 48842
          Exteriors                       Swan Electric Company, Inc.       (517) 381-3326       (517) 775-8079       (517) 833-1000
        Gerald L. Gilroy, D.O., P.C.      T.H. Eifert, LLC Mechanical       CONFERENCE DIRECT    METRO PLACE          ZENBUSINESS
        Governmental Consultant Services    Contractors                     105 Luther Blvd.     APARTMENTS           702 San Antonio St.
          Inc.                            T.L. Hart, Inc.                   Albion, MI 49224     301 W. Lenawee St.   Austin, TX 78701
        Greg Coyne                        Thatch Computer Consulting        301-514-8101         Lansing, 48933       844-493-6249
                                                                                                 (517) 333-1635
        H&R Electrical Contractors        The Diver Agency - Farm Bureau   form-llc/michigan
        Happendance                         Insurance                       FIRST MIDWEST        MetroPlaceApartments
        Hubbell Roth & Clark, Inc.        University Quality Inn            ADVISORS
        ITC Holdings Corporation          The Waggoner Financial Group      P.O. Box 91
                                                                            Clark Lake, MI 49234
        Junior Achievement of Mid-        Window World                      (517) 206-7464

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