Page 8 - LRCC November 2020 FOCUS
P. 8
Helping Minority-Owned Business Thrive Where They Are
HELPING AND SUPPORTING MINORITY-OWNED BUSINESSES secure the tools and According to Cornell University researcher Courtney McCluney, Black women have
access networks they need to succeed is no longer a pipe dream for Detroit-area recently been the fastest growing group of entrepreneurs nationally, despite having
entrepreneurs— it’s an action item. disproportionate access to resources like capital.
Through a $1.8 million investment in Lightship Capital from Delta Dental of “The overall mission is to empower, educate, fund, and scale some great companies in
Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana and its subsidiary, The 4100 Group, underrepresented this ecosystem,” said Candice Brackeen, general partner at Lightship Capital. “When
and underestimated business owners will soon have access to secure funding, founders have access to these resources, their chances of scaling and making a real
mentoring, and technical support to get their dreams up and running. economic impact in the region increase exponentially. And when local businesses win,
the community at large wins, too.”
It’s a timely and urgent investment as minority small business owners often
face roadblocks, inequitable access, and social constraints that rob them of the “Detroit is set to bring in the programming since the city already boasts a vibrant tech
opportunities to build and lead thriving, robust businesses. and entrepreneur ecosystem,” said Brackeen. “Programs offering underrepresented
entrepreneurs access to mentorship, networks and
Lightship Capital is a Cincinnati-based venture capital organized guidance around scaling their businesses are
fund focused on funding and educating underrepresented likely to have a profound economic impact in Detroit.”
entrepreneurs, including women, people of color and
those who identify as LGBTQ+ or disabled. Projects on the horizon include ventures such as pop-up
restaurants and retail to mobile dental care.
Delta Dental and the 4100 Group entered the $1.8 million partnership with
Lightship Capital to provide these entrepreneurs with equitable access to the tools, Lightship Capital not only invests in startups but also offers two entrepreneurial
training, capital, and a network of potential partners to build wealth. education programs—Hillman, an accelerator, and NewME Bootcamp.
It’s a conversation the companies have been engaged in since the start of 2020. Hillman is a growth-focused, entrepreneur education program serving
underrepresented, tech-driven startups through mentorship, specialized curriculum,
“We knew right from the start this partnership would allow more investors and partnerships, and capital investments.
consumers to see these founders’ full potential, help underserved communities
overcome social injustice and inequity and ultimately allow our regions to thrive The NewME Bootcamp is a one-week retreat for a cohort of 10 founders building
with local talent and ideas,” said Margaret Trimer, vice president of strategic companies in a variety of industries, including tech and health. They live together,
partnerships at Delta Dental. share meals, and have their business strategies critiqued and constructed to help them
reach the next level. n