Page 26 - LRCC June 2021 Focus
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New Hires Amicia joined Mallory Anderson at the News 10
Today anchor desk during the week of May 17.
EXIT Realty Select Partners is pleased to announce Amicia is a graduate of the University of Missouri.
that Mercedes Frace has joined its growing team She was most recently a reporter at Fox13 in
of dedicated real estate sales professionals. EXIT Memphis, Tenn., and previously with KMPH
Realty Select Partners, located at 414 S. Clinton Fox 26 in Fresno, California, and WTOK-TV in
St., in Grand Ledge, Mich. EXIT Realty Select Meridian, Miss.
Partners is a proud member of EXIT Realty Corp.,
USA’s rapidly expanding network of independently Fraser Trebilcock is pleased
owned and operated brokerages across the region. to announce Randy Tahvonen,
former chief judge of the 29th
WILX is excited to announce Circuit Court serving Clinton
long-term broadcast professional and Gratiot counties, to the firm.
Mike Schram as news director. He will work primarily out of
Mike is returning mid-Michigan, the Lansing office, focusing on The Greater Lansing Area Club of The National
a community that he knows alternative dispute resolution. Association of Negro Business and Professional
well. After graduating from Tahvonen Before joining the firm, Mr. Women’s Clubs honored several LCC leaders at
Michigan State University’s Tahvonen served Clinton and Gratiot Counties for the 38th Annual Founders Day awards ceremony.
School of Journalism, he started 42 years, including 15 years as Chief Judge, before Honorees were: Dr. Toni Glasscoe, associate vice
his career as a newscast producer retiring in January . president external affairs, development & K-12
in Lansing. He spent several years at WJRT-TV operations; trustee vice president Angela Mathews;
ABC12 in Flint, before returning to Lansing as Awards and trustee Robert Proctor. Dr. Glasscoe received
an assistant news director for five years. Mike the Sojourner Truth Award, trustee Mathews
moved to Rochester, Minn., where he served as The Lansing Economic Area Partnership (LEAP) received the Community Service Award, and
news director at KAAL-TV for five years, WEYI announced its continued investment in public art trustee Proctor received the Frederick Douglass
NBC25-WSMH FOX66-WBSF CW46 in Flint and artist entrepreneurship by awarding $20,000 for Award.
for six years, and most recently at WDIO-TV, the public art through its Public Art for Communities
No. 1 news station in Duluth, Minn. grant program. LEAP looks forward to boosting Mrs. Leah Porter, Wilcox
the Lansing region’s sense of place with support kindergarten teacher from Holt
Dewpoint, a leading provider of technology from PNC Foundation by contributing to two new Public Schools, was named
consulting and implementation solutions, is pleased permanent public art installations that will help the the Michigan Teacher of the Year.
to welcome several new professionals to Lansing: region compete for business and, especially, talent Ten teachers from across the
Elijah Black III – desktop administrator, Kerry going forward. Delhi Township will add a gateway state recently found out that,
Ellis – project manager, Maurice Jackson – project sculpture to its award-winning “Realize Cedar” in addition to the many roles
manager, Geoff Smiley – application developer, business district, located at the corner of Cedar Porter they play in their schools, they
and George Squillace – application developer. Street and Keller Road. Meridian Township will now have a new title for the
add a signature sculpture at the heart of its new and 2021-2022 academic year: Regional Teacher of the
WILX is pleased to welcome award-winning active Marketplace on the Green farmers market on Year. Each teacher also recently interviewed to be
journalist Amicia Ramsey to its morning newscast. Central Park Drive by the Meridian Mall. considered for the 2021-2022 Michigan Teacher of
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